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Indie Scifi that deilvers
What really stands out in this remarkable independent film, is the director's given ability to engage his expectant audience with far more than just the usual outer space tropes common to all large scale sci fi space adventures. Instead, and very quickly and skillfully, the movie evolves into less of an outer space experience and into more of a confined space experience, which works very well for this dramatic story of unfolding mystery and onboard discovery as shared by the film's two extremely capable female leads. If you're looking for something a bit different from your normal diet of main-stream viewing, I highly recommend you checkout this wonderful indie movie.

Under Spanish Skies

Outstanding Indie film.
A refreshingly mature independent film from writer/director Nathan Buck with a very French vibe, recalling some of Alain Resnais' twisted yet sophisticated relationship films that I liked very much. Never once did I feel I had landed in some low budget first-time director effort. In fact, the perfectly focused cast can hold their own against many a big budget - big name production. Beautifully captured Spain locations together with smart and probing dialogue make it easy to loose yourself in this revealing adult-driven coming-of-age film. Well-deserved awards and nominations with more to come I am sure.


Appalachian nightmare with heart
A small town miracle from director Leslie Goyette, working with what had to have been a dauntingly low budget in this her first feature film, ambitiously set in 1920's Appalachia. Some will maybe take issue with the film's pacing and length, but I wonder if I'd found myself as emotionally invested with less. In fact, try as I might - I'm a hard nut to crack - I found it impossible to resist the heartfelt performances from its mostly young cast, convincingly embedded in an almost obsessive attention to period detail. The assemblage of vintage vehicles is a sight to behold. But more importantly, as astonishing and at times shocking as the story is, it is all held together with a rare sense of honesty, never loosing sight of its underlying message of love and redemption.

RRR (Rise Roar Revolt)

Way too long
Way too long with too many relentlessly violent scenes that serve no purpose but to extend the length of the film. Still, The crazy funny dance sequence was the best part. And the characters are really into their parts. A lot of weirdly obvious CGI gets in the way of an otherwise interesting rescue story. Three hours of this nonsense is asking a lot of any audience. Had to divide RRR into three pasts over a period of three days online just to get through it. My guess is gamers will love this mindless entertainment and come away thinking they now know all there is to know about India's tortured past and amazing culture, but they will be wrong.

Solid Rock Trust

Rock Solid Fun
Rock Solid Fun An International Cast of - One! That's right one and brilliant and I'd ruin it for you if I explained more. This is what I expect of a truly independent low budget feature and Rick Ives has really scored one with this his first feature film (which is kind of hard to believe.) A very clever heist drama with a perfect and tense performance from dialectically gifted Koko Marshall. Skilfully and swiftly edited too with all the twists and turns that go with the genre. It takes an enormous talent to keep the tension high with barely more than one location and he succeeds where many others have failed. I am eager to see what he does next.

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

A sad,sad take on a great story.
A truly ugly and unsatisfying Pinocchio. What worked well enough in del Toro's fascism-laced nightmares Pan's Labyrinth - The Devil's Backbone - does not work here at all. Add to that del Toro's questionable and sometimes unnerving voice choices throughout and a wholly bratty, unworthy and unlikable Pinocchio stop-motion design and you've got the makings of what passes nowadays in Hollywood for greatness. Did anyone there actually ever read Carlo Collodi's original book, an inspired masterpiece of heartfelt imagination. Who is the audience for this del Toro arrogance? Would I take my kids? Certainly not. Would I see this twice? I'm sad I saw this even once.

The Lost

Impressive British Indie
Impressive cerebral stream of consciousness indie movie from first time feature director Alex Klaus. Believable and often raw emotional performances from his talented cast kept the intricate plot (pay attention!) well anchored within a subtly dark soundtrack that had me thinking of David Lynch, a few of the shots as well. I'll be interested to see where this gifted director goes next.

You Will Die at Twenty

Stunning cinema
Lured by the title alone, I stumbled upon this at the local library without the foggiest notion what to expect. It is simply phenomenal in every way. I rarely give a ten, but I'm willing to go out on a limb for this extraordinary film. There is something to be said for unknown actors and their unique ability to transport you into another world.

On the Rocks

wholly unnecessary
Aimless and mindless effort. Nothing new and predictable from an otherwise talented team. Jenny Slate seems to have nothing better to do here than irritate while trying desperately to be funny. Don't waste your time with this.

The Man in the Silo

Dream-like vision!
Clearly the forces behind this richly layered dream-like vision have a deep sense of story evolution and film history. It is not for everyone, but if you come to it with a willingness to participate, you will be rewarded with a film that leaves you with the feeling of having experienced something very, very special in a world otherwise dominated by superheros and amplitude. Fans of Bernard Herrmann scores, Darren Aronovsky, Lynch, and Adrian Lyne films will find themselves at home in this film, not to forget the intensely compelling performance of Ernie Hudson.

Killer Concept

good Indie thriller
Thankfully, this is not a low budget thriller trying hard to be a big budget movie - no, instead it lives well and unapologetically within its budgetary restraints and restricted locations and serves as a fine calling card for its multi-talented director who also plays one of the leads. Without giving too much away, it's interesting to observe how his character develops within the wannabe film writer group from near-stone-face reserve into the tales centerpiece around which everyone else revolves. The story concept itself is interesting enough, even if it could have benefited from more character background. The ending serves up a genuinely well-staged twist that I was not prepared for.

La Inevitable Muerte del Cangrejo

Exceptional Indie Thriller!
With a title this wonderfully intriguing, I had no idea what to expect from this stunningly original Mexican political thriller from actor/director Azcona. The slippery slope of suspense, dread and paranoia on display here is simply breathtaking to behold and played to perfection by Azcona himself and his terrific cast. Classic indie filmmaking at its very best.


Smart indie
Interesting how working with so very little this director managed to pull off this smart indie comedy. Good acting and writing kept me engaged throughout, right up to the surprising end. Check this one out. The awards well-deserved.


An incredibly immersive experience. Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke deliver two of the greatest performances I have ever seen,not to mention the wonderfully bleak Nova Scotia setting. Not to be missed.

Good Old Friends

Cool Berlin thriller
Very good thriller from this team of first time directors. I'm a sucker for anything that plays in Berlin, but I really enjoyed the filmmaker character setup with clear inspiration from Hitchcock in the storyline, Rope in particular. The many awards well-deserved.

Astro Loco

Campy sci-fi fun!
The effects are indie perfect and there to make us laugh as much as the interaction between this terrific cast, aided by a relentless onslaught of weirdly fun dialogue. If you like smart movie spoofs you won't be disappointed with this one.


Interesting indie SciFi
It's almost impossible for indie movies to compete against big budget Hollywood effects, but I had fun watching this one. If low budget SciFi is your wheel house, you might want to check this one out.

Finding Ophelia

Stunning Indie
Stunning photography together with a perfect soundtrack underscore this wonderfully directed and conceived film, played with great passion by its lead, mesmerizing and engrossing. Festival accolades well-deserved. A work of art not to be missed.

Mexican Moon

Love those closeups
Interesting film escapes the coastal big cities to focus on our border towns with good results. Nice use of lingering closeups and original faces add to the experience and the genuine mood and reality of the region.

Wade in the Water

I did not expect this!
Yes, it's an indie film, low budget and all that, but put that aside and sink into this terrific little dark theme drama with mesmerizing performances by all, especially Tom Nicholson. Just a really cool film and one you will not forget.


When the wandering lens meets the eye
With nods to Hitch's Rear Window and Peeping Tom, this British indie could have gone many directions, but it resists the obvious and strikes out on its own. Thoughtful direction makes good use of minimal locations and the fine performances are well supported by a cool soundtrack and thought-provoking dialogue. Give this one your eye.

Deine Farbe

Indie Gem
Great acting from these perfectly cast young actors in a mature script, offering both hope and despair with dialogue that rings so true. The wonderful thing about this film is that it could have gone in so many different directions, and it's a credit to the director that it never seemed formulaic and remained honest throughout. I would like to reveal more here, but now it's your journey to take. Highly recommended.


wow. WOW
I love this movie. I needed this move. YOU need this movie. Just terrific film making with sensational blues music. Don't hesitate.

Einstein's God Model

Mind Bending indie!
Impressive pseudoscience fiction. Many new terms and possibilities I'd never quite considered from the world of Tesla and Einstein. Well-made in an almost documentary style. Check it out.

Tarzan and the Lost City

Don't waste your time
This is by far the absolute worst Tarzan movie I have ever seen and maybe the first time I've given this low a rating for any movie.

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