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Untold: The Race of the Century
Episode 5, Season 2

40th anniversary of Australia 11's historic America's Cup win coming up in September 2023
Great documentary. So good it seems churlish to point out a couple of things that should have been picked up in the editing process.

Both involved comments by Australia 11's skipper John Bertrand. The first was his reference to Australia being up against the might of the USA and being "a little country with only 27 million people". Australia still doesn't have 27 million people, and in 1983 it had far fewer - around 15 million. Bertrand also mentioned how contenders got a shot at winning the America's Cup "every four years...just like the Olympics" but then goes on to explain how Australia "got hammered in 1974...got hammered again in '77...went back again in 1980 and got beaten again...". And of course the triumph came three years later. Alan Bond's and Ben Lexcen's roles in the challenges of 1974, 1977 and 1980 could have been better explained, and likewise Jim Hardy's close involvement as Australia 11's back-up skipper and Bertrand's mentor, as well as Bertrand having been part of Hardy's crew in Hardy's earlier unsuccessful challenges for the America's Cup. All considered, a very good documentary.

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