
IMDb member since February 2002
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A Holiday to Remember

Wat a Season...What a sensitive, fun movie...Where do I get a copy?
I have just read All of the reviews. I am already hooked on seeing this Christmas movie. I have a fair collection of Christmas movies that I just could not live without (or thought I couldn't). Many, (if not most) of my collection are out of print and some are just down right RARE.

Unfortunately, one of the reviewers has stated they are looking forward to its release on DVD. That means that the movie is not available at my local video store or BB's large box electronic store.O.K... so here I go again, hunting for a copy, as waiting for a studio to release it can take decades, maybe forever.Anyone out there that has made a copy off the small screen that they are willing to trade or whatever ?


To some who were either in soggy diapers or not even born, this movie lacks. However, getting out of the draft was a daily affair back in 1970. Even the most staunch supporters of "The War" admitted that Viet Nam or "Nam" was a one way ticket to mud, blood and gore.The direct method was to go to Canada which left some friends? and neighbors spitting mad. Having a child (no matter how or where) was VERY acceptable. The prevailing public feeling was that the chances of returning in one piece from 'Nam was not good.

Many of the people that were very directly affected by Viet Nam, during that time period, were a mess. Their actions seemed disjointed and their lives lacked many of the characteristics of what we now call normal living. It was a time of such uncertainty, and day to day confrontations that life is fragile and gone too quickly. This movie, in part, represents that time in a story form.

The Great Santa Claus Switch

As title indicates Santa gets switched with some very colorful and adorable puppets playing out the story.
Someday, someway this VERY artistic endeavor by Jim Henson will be available, as Ed Sullivan surely would have wanted this. This wonderful holiday special was seen by my son. Unfortunately, I was in the next room crying my eyes out because I had just lost his brother. It was close to Christmas and gifts had been previously purchased, but not much else. Hearing his laughter brought me back to reality and as I heard his burst of laughs, I knew we must get a tree, trim it, and do the usual things associated with Christmas because I still had him and he deserved a Christmas. I remember seeing parts of it through my tears, and the brightly colored Muppets, and my son sitting there will remain with me forever. However, at that time, I did not know the name of the production. Oh to have a copy, to bring back the laughter I heard from my son...

Christmas Snow

Warm story of the rewards of a positive spirit and turning the other cheek
This very heartwarming story involves a widow who's family through several generations have owned and operated a little candy store/factory in a small picturesque town. The widow(Katherine Helmond) has 2 children, one adopted from a deceased employee. Enter Scrooge-like Mr Snyder (Caesar) who decides he needs more revenue and plans to make big changes. Refusing to believe anything could happen to her beloved Candy shop, the widow continues with her busiest of all seasons.

The snow scenes in the quaint little town and candy shop are a balm to the spirit. The excellent performance as the crotchety,cranky Mr Snyder combined with the ever cheerful positive thinking widow (Helmond) make this a great addition to anyones Christmas collection.

Santa vs. the Snowman

Irresistible holiday fare advertised as a 'toon with an attitude and it certainly is ! !
This selection just gets better and better upon repeated viewings!How many selections can that be said of? I've not seen it in 3D or at an IMax theater, (where it has been shown). Now it is available in DVD, but I saw it when it first aired in 1997. Watch it with your children, watch it with the neighbor kids, watch it with your pets. Try and entice "adults"? to watch it. Of course they might not immediately "love" it upon first viewing. However, every time I see it, I notice something else. Yes, it does have a little conflict, but war? I hardly would call shooting marshmallows and snowballs war. The looks on their faces, the figures themselves, the story, all produce mirth.

Addie and the King of Hearts

Another Superb Offering last in a series
This Television Special broadcast in 1976, was the last (sob) in the series. It is an adaptation of the last of 4 books writen by Gail Rock.

The central character, Addie Mills, is an adult artist recalling her childhood in the 1940s. Addie, in the series, is skinny and awkward, with long brown hair and glasses. Her mother is dead, and her father is very strict. Addie's sympathetic grandmother lives in the household, but Addie's stern father is clearly in charge, denying Addie many of the privileges enjoyed by other girls.

In this last episode Addy and the King of Hearts, Addy has grown to a young teen.Addy has a crush on her Teacher, and does everything she can think of to gain his favorable attention. In the end, she settles for a boy her own age at the Valentine Dance.THIS HAS NEVER BEEN PUT ON VIDEO


The House Without a Christmas Tree (1974)(Book-same name) Addie's father won't let her have a Christmas tree, because it is a painful reminder of happier Christmases spent with his wife.

Holiday Treasure(1974)(Book called Thanksgiving Treasure),Addie befriends an elderly recluse at Thanksgiving time.

Easter Promise(1974) (Book called A Dream for Addy) This had Addie befriending an actress who is fighting alcoholism.


The Thanksgiving Visitor

Anoither masterpiece, should be shown yearly.
I saw this while in the hospital & never forgot the story, but had no idea of any production details. Quite by chance, do I now know that, years ago, I saw another Capote masterpiece.Geraldine Page put her heart & soul into the character "Sook" & the entire holiday story was charming. The previous year (1966) Truman Capote, with Frank & Eleanor Perry, produced "A Christmas Memory". Many wonderful comments have been written about that production, & this story falls in the same category. Why ,oh Why isn't this, at the very least, shown yearly along with "A Christmas Memory". ABC could certainly boost its ratings. I suppose its too much to ask that both be put in DVD,& Video format for countless families around the country to enjoy.


An outstanding holiday story of the heart
There is little I can add to the already wonderful comments, except to point out to individuals that there is another Geraldine Page portrayal of "Sook". The little known Thanksgiving Visitor, lies forgotten in ABC's film vault. This film, producted in 1967, was just as carefully produced & narrated by Truman Capote, as the previous year's "A Christmas Memory"(1966). I certainly wish public awareness & demand could convince ABC to commit both of these to DVD/Video.What great holiday viewing fare would both of these be!!

A Christmas Memory

Diluted version of the magnificent Geraldine Paige original
This production is truly a disappointment. The contrived language that was not written by Truman Capote himself is a travesty. The writer(s) are not of Capote's caliber & did not live what is being told. Why the original masterpiece was chosen to be redone,is quite a mystery. Truman himself advised & supervised the original ABC Made For TV Special & knew best what should/should not, be in it. Who doubts Truman Capote's ability as a writer? Some must, as they have rewritten HIS OWN recollection of HIS Christmas memory.

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