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The Chosen: Moon to Blood
Episode 3, Season 4

Strange ending, great show.
It's probably always gonna be controversial when you show Jesus doing things under pressure, making moral calls or judgment calls, I'm not exactly sure what you call, it that aren't shown in the Bible.

I'm not sure I like the direction of this ending. I am a believer in Jesus and I would expect that I'm gonna be loyal to Christ whatever happens. He is king and I am servant. He tells me what to do and I obey at least I should obey if I don't.

Watching the end of this one, though, I probably would've been tempted to fall away if I was one certain disciple. I actually think this disciple probably becomes the most likely one to betray Christ. Not that anyone should betray him, of course. It seems to me and reading the gospels that Jesus always healed everyone he came across who needed it. It's never recorded that he didn't. That's why the end is pretty controversial.

I personally enjoy watching Gaius, it'll be interesting to see how his character develops. I hope the next episode they elaborate on why he took the actions he did in this one. Overall, a great show. I'm not sure I'm liking season four as much as some of the other seasons though, especially two and three. I really also like watching the character Matthew and his development. Matthew in my opinion is probably been the best part of the show. I am wondering if he will end up marrying Mary Magdalene in the end or at some point in the show? Perhaps it will just be hinted at.

It is important to remember, in watching this, that this is a TV show, not the gospel. Though the show does a pretty good job of presenting the gospel. I would not watch it otherwise.

Midsomer Murders: Picture of Innocence
Episode 6, Season 10

Excellent episode!!
I live long enough to have observed that fact is stranger than fiction. This is one of those episodes where the characters are really quirky and weird, but I actually think it doesn't make them unrealistic. It probably helps that I'm probably the United States and I've never been to England, I've never met people like this, but that doesn't mean I don't think may exist. I feel like with this episode I was introduced to some new quirky and truly unusual people.

This was an excellent episode in that the murderer was even somewhat targeting Barnaby. I was able to guess the murderer somewhere early on, but not the motive. I would not say this was an easy one to guess. I won't give away what I saw that made me guess the murderer. Lately watching episodes of the show I'm able to guess about 75% of the time.

This one is well worth a watch one of the best ones I've seen in certainly in a while.

Midsomer Murders: A Vintage Murder
Episode 4, Season 17

Stupid!!! Please give me a realistic, killer and murders!
This wasn't a terrible story however it fell apart completely on one fact. There is no way that pudgy middle aged lady could have pushed the hotel owner off the ledge when he obviously would have seen her coming as it was shown on film in the movie! He would have had her on her chubby butt in five seconds! She would've had a hard time pushing my 10-year-old son off of balcony, and frankly, I don't think she could've done it.

The killer had to be a man or at least a very strong woman after that scene. Midsomer murders needs to make do a better job of making the murders realistic. It ruins the whole show when they don't. I will say this is the first one in a while I didn't come close to guessing who the murderer was. I would've given the story a higher mark if The second murder was realistic. They need to really think through if the murderer has ability to actually commit the murder. Use a different murder method if they can't!

Midsomer Murders: The Killings of Copenhagen
Episode 5, Season 16

Decent episode
This was a pretty good episode and story. It's a reasonably complex mystery, I probably would've given it eight stars instead of seven, but I found the physicality of the murder is a little hard to believe. Spoiler to follow.

The fact that the fairly overweight chubby lady was able to stab two men in the heart, I found a little hard to believe. The second one who obviously could see her coming. All I had to do is kick his leg out blunter initial progress and he would've been able to overpower her probably without that much difficulty.

Also, in the end, Arman could've easily gotten off that conveyor, all they had to do was roll. Like I said, though it was a reasonably complex mystery. I wasn't able to guess it until very close to the end, but then I might've done a better job if the murderer or the brothers was a little more realistic.

I like the fact that they spend some time in Denmark that was cool. The two Denmark detectives were a nice addition as well.

Midsomer Murders: Wild Harvest
Episode 3, Season 16

Good mystery
This was a good solid episode. I like the fact that there were plenty of suspects. There are lots of plausible motives, that a lot that completely made Sense though.

Something the killer said about 2/3, 3/4 the way through for whatever reason made me guess who they were, even the motive. This was not an easy one to figure out though. Like I said a relatively good episode.

As is typical of Midsomer mysteries, the acting was good, the sets were good pretty. In all a solid outing.

Again, I recommend this episode to any mystery buff who is looking for a good one to try to solve, with a caveat that it's a difficult one to guess.

Midsomer Murders: Dark Secrets
Episode 2, Season 14

Solid episode
Definitely one of the better episodes with the new guy. Good little mystery, but once they did the second murder, it was really only a couple realistic suspects. The story was reasonably plausible. The second murder didn't happen to a little little bit later too, so it kept you guessing a little more for a while.

The characters in this one were cool and interesting. The acting was pretty good. I kinda like the diversity of characters as you had free spirits and you had like a very reserved one as well.

This is a world worthwhile outing. Hopefully I've not given away too much early on perhaps will find it a little harder to guess the Murderer than I did.

Gojira -1.0

Excellent movie
I would give this one to 10 except for the very end. It's unwillingness to just let the heroes die keeps us from being a great one. Just like in my opinion Star Trek three kept Star Trek two from being one of the all-time great movies. Why can't a director just let a good character die? Why do they insist on destroying their masterpieces?

The same thing for Halloween II in 1981. Why can't you just end it? I know the reason of course. It's the color green, and not Godzilla green. I understand the reason, but in my opinion, I think it's somewhat ruins the experience of the movie goer.

Still an excellent movie. Well, worth the time.

McDonald & Dodds: Wedding Fever
Episode 3, Season 4

ABC good
A good recovery after what I consider it was a really poor episode in the last one. This one was written much better, with a more realistic and believable plot. A fairly good mystery. I'm not sure how solvable it was. I don't think they gave a lot of clues that would allow you to solve it.

I solved it down to the who and the why just because I've seen a lot of mysteries and this one is somewhat of a repeat of some of the ones I've seen in the past. It does follow some cliché if you've watched a lot of mystery movies. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation.

I can't remember all of them, even though I've seen them all, but I think this is probably the best and most complex mystery that they've written. If they did them all like this, this show would be popular and its future would be very bright.

McDonald & Dodds: The Rule of Three
Episode 2, Season 4

Really stupid episode!
I've seen some dumb murder mysteries over the years and this one ranks right up there was some of the dumbest. I only continued to watch it for the laughs. Full of idiotic cliches. I could tell about 14 minutes in this was gonna be a dumb one.

The one just kept getting worse and worse, dummer as it went on. The more they showed the less sense it made.

If you want some laughs, watch this one. Don't watch it if you expect any real world type drama. I really think a high school student could write a more realistic script than this one.

Will there be a season five? Who knows but I don't think this one is helping the cause for getting a fifth season.

Midsomer Murders: Master Class
Episode 5, Season 13

A real stinker
I would avoid this one. What started at as an intriguing mystery becomes a real stinker at the end when the plot is revealed. This one fails badly at that point as it requires you to fall for some ridiculous plot points.

First why in the world would the adoptive parents not tell Zoe everything when they came to take her out of the school after the priest was killed, especially with the police right there!!

How in the world could the lady who sabotaged the car know Zoe would not be in the car? Those parents were sure unlucky they happened to stay at the Inn owned by the evil son. Then the lady in the beginning abandoned her child for no reason! Why not keep running with the baby.

Very stupid plot! Avoid this stinker.

Murdoch Mysteries: Do The Right Thing Part 2
Episode 2, Season 17

How a great show has fallen!
The show started off awesome the first few seasons, great episodes, great mysteries. It would be an exaggeration to say the show was even a shadow of its for herself. This episode felt like a spoof. An absolutely ridiculous plot, so stupid it must be on reason.

I really like mystery shows I probably would've quit on this one a while ago. I'm only into my episode of season two but if they keep on pumping out ridiculous episodes like this, I'll be continuing to watch.

If you want to watch Murdoch mysteries and you haven't seen very many yet I would just start off with season one. Phenomenal first five or six seasons, started to waiver maybe season seven or eight but still pretty solid. The shows been out of gas for three or four years and just getting worse. I would actually think it's probably not too far from being canceled, but I might underestimate what the public will put up with.

One More Shot

Complete dumpster fire
Rarely have I seen a movie this bad. Mystery science theater worthy. I suppose entertaining from that standpoint if you want something to laugh at.

More plot holes than a piece of Swiss cheese. Characters act stupidly. Evil henchmen stand still and watch action until it's time for them to get killed. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I seriously think my 10-year-old could shoot better in some of the bad guys.

Absolutely atrocious awful camera angles. Gives you a headache, watching it. Hard to even follow the crazy plot. Bad guys seemingly take over an airport, which is completely abandoned..

Avoid unless you wanna laugh at a really really bad movie.

Midsomer Murders: Ghosts of Christmas Past
Episode 7, Season 7

Good mystery but fairly easy to solve
I like this one, it was a solid mystery, good story. It's also a very solvable mystery, if you pay attention, one shouldn't have any difficulty solving it or much, especially if you watch a lot of mysteries. I figured this one out probably 50 minutes in.

Not too much else to say, they do a good job of weaving the holidays or the holiday into the story. Burnaby is cool as usable, polite, yet assertive.

The start on this one is a little bit slow. The actual first murder takes a while to occur, Or I should say the first attempted murder. I don't know that should be considered a spoiler, but if one considers the first attempt at murder, there's only one obvious suspect could have The perpetrator.

Rather sympathetic killer.

Death in Paradise: Episode #13.8
Episode 8, Season 13

Very convoluted episode.
Normally these are really high quality mysteries. This one was really a stinker. So many plot holes.

Why did the murder victim have to pay the third guy on the plane $50k? He really didn't have to pay anyone I live in the pilot. And why did they all lie about it? What's the point of that? The guy got off the plane. Just tell the police the guy got off the plane. Why in the world would the pilot not do that? He had his plain impounded all he had to do was just say the guy got off the plane.

Then the actual murderer brings a silencer with them apparently to use with the gun that his wife just fired. Why in the world would he have a silencer with him and not a gun? Why would the guy who the Wife shot at and sit there for two minutes doing nothing? Wouldn't you go grab the gun that she dropped wouldn't get away maybe? You can't have plot twist just have plot twists. Unless it's thought out and all fits together it's stupid!

Let's hope this is a one off piece of bad writing.

Midsomer Murders: Book of the Dead
Episode 2, Season 24

Another excellent mystery
This was a good mystery. I did guess the killer at the very end, but not until like a minute before the reveal.

Spoilers ahead...

One thing I liked about this mystery was at one point I was suspecting a female, but then the vicar was viciously drowned. I was thinking to myself they better not make the killer a female because there's no way any of the women that were possible suspects could've pulled off this drowning that the killer had to be pretty much one of a couple of men that were suspects.

I will say, I also thought very early on that this murder was going to be not about the treasure, but about the death that took place earlier. That didn't end up being the case. Obviously, the treasure was just a red herring, but that was pretty cool. Overall well done and entertaining.

Midsomer Murders: The Devil's Work
Episode 1, Season 24

Good solid episode.
A good solid and very solvable mystery for the opening of this season. Nice location for filling, good acting. A crisp, tight script, a good number of suspects.

You have to pay attention to solve the mystery, but if you follow motive, and what was going on, it should lead you to the killer. It wasn't too hard to figure out, they did do the reveal a little early in the movie.

What is I thought Barnaby was real understanding of the murderer at the end, allowing the murderer to linger in their garden. I don't think I would've been quite as understanding of someone who would killed so many.

Overall, though an excellent effort.

Death in Paradise: A Personal Murder
Episode 4, Season 5

A real stinker!!
I'll get right into spoilers with this review. I like it when my who done it realistic. This one just really felt stupid. You've got three old and experience men, who've had 45 years to contemplate all the nuances of a crime they committed. And they get scared and digging up the body? That is ridiculous. None of them thought "Hey, They might be trying to scare us into showing where the body is?" None of them considered we might be followed? That's stupid and frankly not believable. Whoever wrote this plot didn't put a lot of thought into it in my opinion. Also, I'm not exactly sure how you would've figured out who did it other than I suppose they had an argument with the person before he died. It felt more like a guess at the end.

Another thing this was in a jungle and 45 years ago. Do writers understand what a jungle is? These men probably hadn't been back there in 45 years where they buried the body. Do you think they made a habit of walking back there and checking it out? Did anyone think how much the area would it changed a jungle in 45 years? I would think it would be more likely they wouldn't have any idea where the body was. Conveniently, there wasn't a bush or a tree around. Looks like they buried it right in the middle of a road or something.

It was pretty easy to figure out they were all in, on it, and even before it was revealed. Also, who else would've sent the text except the girlfriend who found his body and had his phone.

Death in Paradise: Unlike Father, Unlike Son
Episode 8, Season 4

Another good mystery
This was another solid outing for death in Paradise. It was a relatively good script and solvable mystery, with lots of suspects with motives.

Spoilers ahead...

Opportunity plays a big role in this one. I guessed the murderer just based upon opportunity, the prison guy was the only one that seem to have opportunity to a committed The crime, therefore, must've committed it. I'm glad the show followed a logical premise. There is one minor spot, where they went away from that, and that was when the female officer overpowered a much larger man. That was really stupid and they do that once in a while. There's no way this lady officer would've been able to overpower this man, not even close. The world of make-believe!

Otherwise, though a very solid outing.

Death in Paradise: She Was Murdered Twice
Episode 7, Season 4

Solid and solvable
This was a good solid mystery, lots of suspects. I don't know if they really explored opportunity that well, more focused on motive. For me, the mystery seemed almost too easy, I didn't have a hard time guessing who did it. Acting was good as usual location was beautiful. The victim was not very likable, almost satisfying to see her get bumped off.

Spoilers ahead...

This was the old killer confesses, but then finds out. Oh, I didn't really kill her, but he'd really killed her earlier. This has been used more than once in mysteries like this perhaps I've just watched too many I found it easy to guess.

I don't know why the killer confessed at the end. A detective with decades of experience has told me that experience criminals, anybody who's done any real time never confess, unless, of course, maybe it's part of a plea, bargain deal and they're getting a lower sentence. But them this is just fantasy.

Death in Paradise: Episode #13.1
Episode 1, Season 13

Below par episode
The filming, as usual was beautiful, and the acting was fine, I thought, though the plot and the solution to the murder were well below the high standards the show has set.

Spoilers ahead...

A killer who came behind the guy who pulled the trigger and made him do it? What is this Star Wars and the guys is using the Jedi Mind trick? I like the fact that most death in Paradise mysteries at least have a physically realistic murder. This one was just dumb, and how are you supposed to figure dumb?

Then the hardened criminal just confesses in the end? Just an FYI and I know this from talking to real detectives, guys who've done prison time, they never confess ever. This was really a below par episode. Still not bad, just not up to the usual standards.

Plus, the guy that did actually shot the gun, his life went off the rails 50 years ago because he didn't pass an exam and get into police college? That's stupid also. I mean like really? He's not gonna keep trying, find something else to do, go be a cop elsewhere?

Hopefully the next episode is better.

Death in Paradise: Hidden Secrets
Episode 2, Season 4

Solid mystery
This one is a solid outing with a good mystery, I would say this one's a little harder due to the final solution. I solve these with some regularity, but I did not get this one.

One thing about this one I found rather ridiculous, was how Camille captured this huge man when he was trying to run away. I realize this is fiction and a lot of things happen in fiction That isn't realistic. A Very good Example of this is how often in this particular show the murderer confess at the end, let's consider that you have killers who have very carefully and in detail planned out their murder. Do you think someone who's planned this meticulously is going to suddenly just confess at the end? Wouldn't they have thought if they confess that's gonna make sure that they get convicted? Would not most of these very crafty murderers to deny they did it all the way to the very end? Yet for tvs sake, they always confess at the end. In the same way, Camille Capturing this guy who is at least twice or size and probably three or four times as strong is just ridiculously unrealistic. The two male cops from season three would've had a tough time taken this big guy down if he didn't want to be taken down. Yet this 120 pound girl easily put his arm behind his back.

I thought the solution was solvable, and the plot was solid. It requires a little bit of a different kind of thinking I personally thought the shot came from well outside the window, and the gun was thrown in, but this was not the case at the end.

Death in Paradise: Stab in the Dark
Episode 1, Season 4

Decent mystery.
This was a decent mystery, but not a particularly hard one to solve. This is mildly interesting with the ghost addition. Sances have a long history of being involved in mystery movies going back to Charlie Chan. The acting was good. The script was solid. The fictitious island of San Marie is always beautiful in the filming.

Spoilers ahead...

The one somewhat negative I have about this one, and it's not really that much of a negative, but it was pretty easy to see who the killer was. If you assume that everyone was holding hands as they said, and that no one gave someone a wooden hand or something ridiculous like that, it could've only been the one person that was outside, this person was the only one who wasn't really accounted for. They must've figured out a way to get in. Figuring was a little harder. I figured that out just before the end because it was the only real reason that he might've committed the murder, and you only had his word that his wife had left the island.

Death in Paradise: The Early Bird
Episode 6, Season 3

An excellent and solvable mystery.
A good solid, insolvable mystery. I will see I didn't find this one particularly hard to solve, though some people might. It had a sly impossible murder, like who could've committed it? The story was good. The characters were good. I thought the actors did a good job as usual beautiful location in San Marie.

Spoilers ahead...

The reason I say, this one wasn't that hard to solve was the initially showed the victim walking away, so he only saw him from the back. I've watched enough mysteries to know often if you can't see the victim, if it just looks like the victim from behind it may not have been the victim, this was the case in this mystery. As a mystery unfolded, it was obvious that the only solution was that someone had acted the part of the victim. That immediately meant that they probably had to accomplice, and the accomplice was the person who immediately flagged, the victim is walking away. Beyond that, as it flushed out once you knew that eggs were the reason for the theft. It became quite obvious that the killer or the other person involved was the hardened adventurer. So you had these two in it together, mystery solved.

Death in Paradise: Ye of Little Faith
Episode 4, Season 3

Very solvable but tricky mystery.
This was a very tricky but very solvable mystery. The motor for the murder was reasonable. There were plenty of red herrings all in all of very good and tight script. Well done with good acting. If you are a fan of a good who done it, this is an excellent episode.

Spoiler ahead...

What clued me off to the murderer was when the vile appeared after it was thoroughly searched, the hotel room what transpired, and what changed I asked myself? Well, the murderer had made a play for the dead girls, lover, and then had Been spurned. When his prints showed up on the vile, there was only one person who would want to set them up the murderer. To me, it was that obvious that she had known he was having an affair with the dead girl and she had lied when she said she didn't.

The Day After

Massively impactful film
My rating in no way reflects the importance of this movie. President Regan watched this movie when it was shown and it really affected him. He was down after watching it, but he was in a unique position to actually DO Something about it.

Later in Iceland he started the down the path of reducing strategic nuclear weapons, both in the number of warheads and in the yield. Both sides, at least on paper, have way less total warheads, that have a much smaller yield, I think limited to 10 megatons.

The risk is still there, but it is way less to the whole world. It difficult as some others have already stated, to convey what is was like to live in the 80's. I remember a sense even reinforced by teachers of the day that nuclear war was inevitable eventually. The Soviet Union was this Juggernaut that would never fall internally. I had friends that wore "better dead than red." If someone said it's versus them, everyone knew who the "Them" was.

This was a bleak and relatively frightening movie, because it dealt and still deals with a real threat. It's worth a watch by anyone who hasn't seen it.

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