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Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor

Better than the last two
The first hell house is enjoyable because it's kind of a hidden gem that's just recently gained more popularity. It had a lot of ambiguity in the story and left a pretty open ended story. The acting in part one is pretty good as well. Then we get to parts 2 and 3...

Those movies feel cheap. Much cheaper and just seemed to be feeding off the success of the first one. The acting is horrible in both, the news anchor is part 2 is laughably bad. Part 3 is more of the same. Neither one adds much to the story either.

This movie has much better acting and cinematography than the previous two. It feels like this one was made to actually further the story, not just as a cash grab. This movie does a much better going into the backstory than previous attempts. It's not perfect, but it does have some good scares and does a great job building tension. There are two seperate stories in this one and the way they connect works quite well. I'd recommend this for sure.


A continuous season arc???
Before you read this review I'm only two episodes into this series. However, right away a decision they made has kind of ruined the entire thing for me. It is not single one off stories, they are combining a bunch of books into a continuous arc about characters spanning one season.

A season long arc doesn't really work for Goosebumps. They might want it to because it makes it easier to create sequel episodes if they can keep bringing the same characters back, but it doesn't work with this. Each book was an entirely different vibe, some had more elements of comedy, some had elements of family, all had a horror twist thrown into the mix.

Making this a season long arc doesn't seem like it will work to me. This is just a forewarning to anyone looking to check out this series. I have no idea if they're able to pull it off well, but it seems destined to be at best mediocre to me.


Heels but in real life (and better)
I went into this show with zero expectations. I am not a wrestling fan. I have seen season one of Heels and am waiting to watch season two on a free pass. This show blows that out of the water. They're both about struggling local wrestling foundations and the characters within them. The fact this all is (somewhat) real makes it that much better.

Every character in this show has a great storyline. From Al Snow, to the lowest wrestler on his roster, they're all relatable in someway. Even the people who end up investing show they're not just money, but real people as well. I never thought I could feel sympathy for people who are shown as "the money" but this does a great job giving them a story as well. Every episode of this show surprised me in a great way.

If you have any interest in wrestling you will love this show. I think most people could find something to like about this show. Even if it's scripted reality TV, it's so well scripted you will still enjoy it. There wasn't one bad episode. One of the biggest surprises I've had turning on a show, then I felt like I couldn't turn it off.


Homework required
This is the first show I've ever seen that requires homework to be enjoyed. If you've never seen clone wars or rebels you will hate this show. The plot is almost all fan service for fans of those shows.

Without seeing those shows this is a show about a Jedi who can't solve a puzzle that requires 3 twists of a cube, goes to her annoying apprentice for help with this puzzle where she can't solve it either, unless she has complete silence. That apprentice then betrays her trust completely twice within 4 episodes. If you aren't a fan of rebels and clone wars, avoid this show like the plague.

If you are a fan of those shows and you want some fan service live action shots catered to you, you'll probably love this. 8/10 if you want the homework, 5/10 if you're coming in blind.

Twisted Metal

What do you expect?
Im not sure what people are expecting from a twisted metal TV show but this delivered pretty close to what anyone could hope for.

There are plenty of characters from the game represented, they may not be carbon copies of the games story but that would've been impossible. They essentially had to turn Death Race into a 10 episode series with slightly more in depth characters. I'd say they accomplished that.

The season does start off slow but if you manage to make it to the last two episodes it delivers what most could expect. There's little story involved in the twisted metal games, and I think this shows only detriment is that it ignores the storylines the games do present.


One of the most overrated shows of the past few years
I watched this show because I saw it was rated very well. Those ratings couldn't have been more wrong. The entire show is based on a road rage incident that spawns a full out war between two families? Some of the people involved don't even know they're involved.

This show really thinks it's doing something clever when it's just regurgitating cliches. I have no idea what people saw in this show, it tries to make you angry toward one character or the other, it's like if Twitter was a TV show. The plot was beyond stupid and reached so hard at certain points it was laughable. The ending is terrible. I can't think of one redeeming quality this show has.

Identity Thief

One of the worst movies ever
This review expects you to be sympathetic of a person who steals identities and ruins lives. The movie is one of the worst I've ever seen. You would have to be brain dead to enjoy this. I will now put random gibberish to fill the required characters as this movie doesn't deserve a full review.

IT y I wirieuqywuw but it will never be finished and I don't think it should be a spoiler for this movie because it's not even in a trailer and I tioeiqieit the title and I can't get over the thought it is going into my eyes as it makes my mouth tingling with excitement for a new one that will make it to be finished.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

There is no way in hell this movie was written by the people who wrote the TV series. The series was a dark cop drama and this is some kind of strange fantasy movie. Idris Elba and Andy Serkis do a good enough job with the acting but the actress for DCI Raine has one face the entire movie and is complete trash.

The plot of the movie is so untethered from reality it never draws you in. Every single plot point that happens is something that would never happen in the real world. The villain is more ridiculous than a Bond villain, he almost makes it seem like a parody of Luther. It completely ruins the atmosphere of the original show by being impossible.

It suffers from the same thing that the BBC Sherlock series ran into eventually, they try to make the mystery so complex that it doesn't even make sense anymore. If you were a fan of the show skip this.

The Strays

Waste of time
This is a horrible attempt from a movie trying to discuss a social issue. It has no idea what it wants to say, is it talking about the divide in society depending on race? Is it trying to make a point about the way males and females are viewed when they make mistakes? There are so many plot holes within this that make it laughably stupid. It's insulting to the viewer to think we would believe any of this.

(SPOILERS) So this woman runs away for 18 years and somehow gets a new identity? She gets a new driver license, a new social security number, a completely new life even though were told she's broke at the beginning of the movie. She doesn't even change her appearance. Then the movie ends with her doing the exact same thing, running away a second time. It is honestly one of the worst endings I can remember.

This story is absolutely pointless. This woman has countless options to get her and kids safely out of her "abusive" relationship that she never even fully describes. It's a movie about a woman who's so selfish she leaves her kids twice in one lifetime. Which no one could ever actually do. You don't think the law can find you? Shed be caught within a day. I can't believe I sat through this. Don't waste your time.

The Consultant

Modern take on an old story
It's weird people are giving this one star because they figured out who the character is in the first episode. They also claim to know why he can't walk up stairs but that's a cool unveiling they definitely didn't see coming. The show never even tries to hide the fact who the character is. The main title sequence pretty much shows that. They all even say "I'm not watching past the first episode" if they watched to episode 4 the show actually unveils it and never tries to make it a mystery.

(SPOILERS) To me it seems like a new take on a very old story. Selling your soul to the devil is a story as old as any. This is a pretty modern look at the idea of this. Christoph Walz does a great job playing the "devil" and the other two main actors are pretty good.

Overall it's a pretty fun show to binge. He definitely says the name Craig too repeatedly and it becomes a joke at some point. It's an interesting scenario to try to put yourself into and think about what you would do if offered something similar. It's mainly a suspense show with some dark humor thrown in. I enjoyed it and it can be binged in one day if you don't have anything to do.

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