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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

It's okay, unfortunately, but don't let that stop you watching!
The first 15-20 minutes of this film are great and the animation, vfx and score and even the colour grading were all great. There was menace established in Bowser's character. Some of the sequences were good too, lots of threatening foes and amazing worlds inspired by the games, balanced with a little silliness and humour.

But, then, it starts steaming ahead. And, when I say steaming ahead, I really mean it. The plot moves on very quickly and makes some characters' change of minds or surprise decision-making hard to believe. The moments that we do get feel rushed through and then, as the film progresses, the humour gets younger and younger and unnecessary.

And, don't get me wrong, some silly humour can be okay, and at this point in the film, things weren't too bad. However, there is a moment in the film where Bowser is told that an army is assembled to fight him and they are on their way and Bowser's immediate reaction is to say something like "did peach like what mario did?". This moment in particular solidified some built-up suspicions that the story wasn't taking itself seriously ENOUGH. It decided to take the menace of Bowser and throw a load of childish humour at it, and while that may entertain a child with a short attention span, it took the family element away from this film and started to turn it into a kid's film. But, more than that, it started to turn it into an okay film instead of good.

The film goes right past some key worlds from the game and doesn't do much exploring while the characters are on the journey they're on, which, personally, for me, didn't feel great.

All the characters too, while they had arcs to an extent, they did not have much of a personality or a believability to them which I think is important in a film set in such an outlandish world.

There isn't unfortunately an emotional main story or arc that makes the story feel more profound, so the experience just leaves you feeling that you've watched a breathtakingly beautiful, mindless kids film on two times speed.

But it is not that bad, I think it is an okay film. There were lots of elements I still really like and, some of the world building and environments were engaging and cool. Some of the set pieces were almost there for me in how they mirrored the games. It would've worked for me if there was a strong emotional core to the film or at least a story that takes it's time and maintains menace and threat and has real-feeling stakes.

Overall, if you're interested, go and see it, I hope I've not spoiled things too much for you, sorry this review was so long.

I'm happy to see the box office of this film is helping the industry back on its feet.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Best Fantasy Film I've ever watched.
I thought I didn't like fantasy films massively after watching the Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring and finding it lackluster in story and not intriguing and having a ridiculous runtime.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves has changed that for me.

I loved this film. The characters were so likeable, every character had an arc, the acting was fantastic, the humour was funny and around a lot which I really appreciated. I really loved this film.

If you're not a fantasy fan, please give this film a go, it actually gets you interested, not bored.

The production design, the visual effects and the score were all fantastic. Just a great film. Please go and see it with your family.

Also, Chloe Coleman is incredible in this film.


Good film!
I just watched this film. I love the style of it and they did something I really like which is get you to like their characters. I was very invested in the story and the characters. I also didn't know the story so it was a surprise.

I don't know much about the Soviet Union but it did a very good job of worldbuilding regarding the Soviet Union. Taron Egerton in this film was great. Everyone in this film had good acting going on.

You really go on a journey with these characters and you want the protagonists to win so badly. I won't spoil if they do or not for you, but at the end, there is a slideshow of real facts. Just a really good film that is tense and fun and just good!

I would definitely recommend this not only if you don't know the story but as a film to enjoy as well. It is available now on Apple TV Plus.

Scream VI

Good Horror Slasher!
This film is brilliantly executed and the writing is as good as it can be for the format. Unfortunately, due to the unbelievability of the situation and the amount of gore taking the fun out of things a bit, my score is a 7. I did prefer the scream films when they were cheesier and less realistic. But, as a modern Scream film goes, it's very good.

The change in location to New York City was needed for the franchise and worked really well. It allowed for new types of set pieces.

My favourite scream films in order are: Scream 2, Scream, Scream 6, Scream 5, Scream 4, Scream 3.

Apparently, I haven't done enough characters to make this a valid review so I don't really know what to write. Shall I just keep writing?

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