
IMDb member since March 2023
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

good start
I felt the graphics and visuals were great. I felt the story line was interesting and brought up thought provoking ideas which i apprecaited. Although i felt it was good i wish there was a but more description on reasoning for decisions. For example, i dont understand why the apes had such an ability to get to the prisoner humans. Also i wish the rationale for killing local villages of apes to create a kingdom of apes was made teased out more. I felt the use of music was really strong and the quick use of turning the opposing apes into villians fast was well done. Overall they did what they needed to do.

Road House

In the famous words of chael sonnen - if you rated this movie less than a 7, you absolutely suck.
This movie played 100 percent into what it should have been. It was bar fighting with one liners and a straight forward plot. Nothing more nothing less and it "FOOKIN" delivered. Jake gave a great performance with his clam demeanor and bad ass presence. Conor played a maniac that commanded attention every time he was on stage. I liked the fight scenes and the ambiance of the "stages" they were fighting. Many side characters gave the movie a bit of comedic relief that helped provided a better feel for the movie. Overall I been waiting for this movie and mystic mac to be back and he they delivered.

Next Goal Wins

Enjoyable and uplifting
In an era with negativity this was a refreshing feel good movie that was fun, positive and enjoyable watch. The cast played well off each other and really started to invest in each character wanting the best for them. It was really put items in perspective with an emotional twist that made you feel even more for the characters. I really felt the movie delivered and felt it deserved a good rating. It was exactly what it was suppose to be and delivered. I felt the coach's story was good and with the twist it was made it really dull circle and enjoyable. I gave this movie two thumbs up. Go American Samoa.


Loved the idea, lacked results
Sadly I was really excited for this movie but it really lacked the punch I needed to really make a lasting impact. I loved the concept of having 6 individuals put in a high intense situation in space that has extremely intricate and and geopolitical consequence and see how they would act. Will they trust others will they turn. A lot of avenues the film could have went. Ultimately, I felt a bit unsatisfied in the end. I did not love the build up to the big situation. I felt information kept getting added that could have been foreshadowed before, scenes lacked intensity I felt at times. I really felt the 2 Russians acted the best with emotions with Masha and Pilou. A lot of the scene lacked intensity imo and I really did not get a close personal relation towards any of them. I really felt I lost the end goal of the movie and while it is simple take over the I. S. S. Or get the vaccine it felt super unimportant. I wish it was longer and they built more into the story as I just really could not connect and I was not on the edge of my seat like I thought I could have been. In conclusion it was fine.

The Iron Claw

A masterpiece
Contains massive spoilers

From start to finish you feel the intensity of the characters. The beginning you build such a strong bond with the family and feel the closeness of brothers that truly love each other. With each passing of a brother you feel worse and worse for the family. The strong knit family becomes devastated by what brought them the closest together. The industry shows how cruel and unforgiving it can be. In a short time you feel connected to each character wanting the best for all of them. All the acting was well done and it ended in a beautiful way that brings the audience close to tears! A true masterpiece.


The castings for this movie was perfect. Was a bit goofy but charming and fun. It had alot of heart in the movie and really made it fun for the audience. The story line was very simple which i apprecaited for this movie. I did not need a complex story line simple wonka wanted to help and sell chocolate and had to overcome obsticales with a dream that made wonka extremly lovable. Overall the scenes were very over the top but it worked for this movie. I really enjoyed it under the timefrane and really was a feel good christmas movie. This was an incredible prequel and would easily want to see more.


Great movie want the directors cut
I really enjoyed the movie. It went by really fast with great acting and intense scenes. It is incredible difficult to sum up the life of napoleon in roughly 2:30 hours. Although I felt it was entertaining cannot wait for the extra 4 hour cut. Since I felt at times the progression moved a bit fast for my liking . The acting was unbelievable Joaquin Phoenix captured the brutal yet corky side of napoleon along with intense battle scenes that kept your eyes glued to the screen. Without a doubt I felt this was one of my favorite movies of the year and cannot wait to watch the full version on Apple TV.

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes

a great prequel
The movie was simply splendid. The film showed the origins of the hunger games and the development of popularizing an evil idea and glorifying it. The different characters dealing with the hunger games was a different fun perspective. The evolution of Snow from a motivated individual to a stone cold killer was fascinating. All the scenes were well shot with intense scenes and volume. Although a bit more could have been done to gain empathy for other tributes that was not the point of the film. It shows snows progression into his role and the evolution of the hunger games along with the glimpse of hope played through lucy. It was incredible and one of the best movies i seen this year.


Missed the target
Ultimately, had low expectations for the movie. I was really only expecting 1 liners, a few random guest appearances and big guns. I felt the movie tried to mimic marvel with killing and light hearted comedy. I personally did not think the jokes were all that funny unfortunately. I just felt it was trying to hard and that the comedy did not match the characters. I think Megan fox is a great action character but they did not give her enough time. She immediately get the crew captured and not enough time just straight killing people. The expendables felt old to me and not in a good way. This movie sadly was a compete miss for me. Hope others enjoyed though because I loved 1-3.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

Cool old school feel to a movie
The teenage mutant ninja turtles gives off a very old 80/90 comic book vine that made the film very interesting and new. The turtles were all very lovable and funny through the movie. As a very basic fan of the tmnt I really enjoyed the story and all the characters. There was a ton of comedic relief along with very empathetic scenes. The goal of the turtles was very clear and easy along with a relatable storyline. I felt this was a fun easy movie to watch that was very entertaining and felt it served the movies purpose. I would recommend to other fans and watch the second one if they made one.


Movie of the year
This movie was a pure display of art. Every scene was extremely impactful and suspenseful. It was a long movie but you were intensely driven in the whole time. Cillian Murphy truly captured the character and showing the human side/ moral dilemmas of a man that believe that he gave the world the power to destroy itself was amazing. It showed showed a very real and what felt like very true side to a life alter event that happened in your history and you could feel every bit of that impact in the audience as these decisions were being made. The acting was great for all characters and the ability to give what felt like back stage passes to one of the biggest events in the past century was amazing. It puts very recent events and current events in perspective and gives the audience a lot to talk about and discuss. Well done.

No Hard Feelings

hilarious from start to finish
There is no better actress than jennifer lawerence, she was funny and ppayed the character perfect. Giving a comedic girl next door vibe but sillier. The movie went from awkardly funny to heart warming while still being funny. Watching the awkwardness and innocence of puberty for the kid and to see the growth was enjoyable and light hearted. The movie did not try to be more than it was, It had a simple plot and remained on character the whole time. It was engaging and felt the movie flew by with how easy and fun it was. I personally had some high expectation because of jennifer lawerence and they were met.

Joy Ride

a few funny scenes
Overall this movie had a few funny scenes that were the only thing the movie could hang its hat on. Personally i was not able to enioy the nain characters and the story line very much. The story line seemed to try to accomplish a lot in terms of character devolopment that i felt it failed to do. It did have few funny scenes were i laughed but i found myself losing interest at times in between funny scenes. I think the movie would have been funnier without the multiple plot ideas and just focused on one goal. This movie was saved by a few funny scenes but besides that it left me wanting alot more.

The Blackening

Entertaining movie
The premise of a cabin in the woods with a murder is a basic one, even with this basic premise the movie was entertaining and funny the whole time. All of the characters were likable and intriguing. The jokes were funny and aligned with each character. The movie carried this distinct feeling of being a bit more realistic due to the flaws of the murder. The murder was not this super over powered villian that cannot be harmed. It was an average person that added a nice touch to the movie. The movie was the perfect amount of time telling a story and not drawing out scenes, each seen had a clear and entertaining point and it did a great job.

The Flash

Best DC movie in a long time
The flash was a very well structured, touching and funny movie. I am not sure how much James Gunn influence had but it had a similar feel to an marvel movie with the times jokes in a serious moment, personally I enjoyed it. I felt the story behind Barry was very touching and it made you feel for the character. His story of his mom was touching and incredible for the character. The concept of the multiverse I was worried was to early but I felt they explained it and it was closed well for this movie. We will see how with the explanation of the multiverse it will impact the future of DC bit short term it was good. All the characters were done in a touching way and gives a lot of options for DC. Great job.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Simple and enjoyable
This was really an enjoyable movie. It was a simple plot yet fun. The main human character was really well written for and made you root for him. The autobots and primal bots were really cool. The action scenes were shot well and the guns and weapons were awesome to watch, the sound track made the action scenes a million times better. I thought the made the villian very hate-able early on and helped improved the movie. The ending battle scene was everything I could have wanted in an all out action scene that did not disappoint. Bumblebee had some what of a minor role but and with a bang. Overall transformers are back.

The Little Mermaid

Exactly what you expect.
Overall i enjoyed the movie, it follows closely to the original movie. I did feel at times in the ocean the scenery could have been better but that was just a small critique. I thought Halley Bailey and Melissa McCarthy carried the movie. Woah can Halley sing and I felt she was a perfect cast. A few scenes with Erik and her when they were getting to know each other I felt Halley really expressed herself well nonverbally and added a lot to the scenes. Melissa I thought played Ursula amazing and gave the witch a really dislike the audience can sink there teeth into the Villian, she had funny and deceiving scenes. Without those 2 the movie would have been a flop for acting. On my critiques of the movie, I wish the did not cut sabastions interactions with the chef, I thought it was so funny in the original movie. Lastly lord the Erik's song horrible that could have been completely cut and everyone would have been better. There was a few cheesy scenes but that is to be expected and I overlooked those. It was a good movie but fell short of greatness.

About My Father

Family comedy, light hearted but predictable and unoriginal
I found the story line to be a bit bland. I feel like it is a basic storyline we have seen a million times. Personally I was hoping the jokes would be a bit funnier but they had a few funny scenes. The movie felt a bit hallmarky for me, I was expecting a bit more from the cast. It had an a list cast and I was really going to see them and what they could do. I just felt the story and writing could only give the actors so much. It was nice they focused on family and it had a nice ending, I just never felt to emotionally attached to a character. The main issues that would have caused a rift between the families always was resolved quickly and without consequences leaving the scenes to lack impact. I think if you like very easy movies with a few jokes than this fits the bill for a movie to watch at the holidays with your family.

The Machine

Exactly what the movie should have been.
This movie met everyone one of my expectations. It was funny but light hearted. Bert is an expert at pulling you in and rooting for an underdog telling a story that connects you to his family while being funny. Bert expands upon his most famous story and it was really fun to be a fly on the wall as he stretched the imagination of an iconic story and added a different perspective and also added a new storyline of him being brought back to Russia. I was entertained the whole time. I laughed the whole time and that is all I wanted. I personally did not think it was cheesy and a ton of it is based off the real story and almost brings it more to life and adds a further dimension of making the story more of a folk tail than it already is. I felt the move was review way to hard by the critics because Bert stays 100 percent true to himself and delivered a Bert classic. Screw the harsh critics this was a heck of a time. Thanks Bert.

Fast X

Fast to escape reality
It is disappointing to watch. The complete escape from reality really ruins a lot of the movie for me. I completed turned off my brain and lowered my expectations but I was still disappointed. 75% of the movie was cool with awesome cars, cool fighting scenes and at times funny jokes. I don't understand the need for these insane scenes of jumping out of planes and other impossible scenarios. They really diminish the rest of the movie for me because I am constantly waiting for something dumb to happen and takes away from the intensity and seriousness of the scene. Every tough situation that would carry a major impact due to the connection you have with the characters is undermined by this insanity they they will escape even the wildest of scenarios. The emotion has complete left the movies due to over the top super hero feel of a once realistic series. Even in super hero movies characters die but in this series you simple will be brought back. Overall I feel these aspects ruin what I would have thought to be a solid movie. The cars were cool, Jason Momoa performance was great and the only reason I gave it 3 extra stars. If the series could get rid of the extra bs make it about racing, chases, fighting and not making the characters immortal it could restore the series to what it use to be in the first couple of movies.


Fun loving and touching
The movie from start to finish was really inspiring. It was light hearted and show true heart in it. All of the characters are really inspiring and you are rooting for them every step of the way. A movie about second chances and making a difference in people's lives. Seeing the progression of woody as a character after becoming the head coach and slowly seeing him invest in this team and get back a full experience is really rewarding. I thought it was entertaining through out and it is a feel good movie. The fact it was based off a real life movie did make the movie feel more special to watch.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

A lot of the same
Ultimately the show was funny and Whitty as usual. Getting the backstory on rocket really enhanced the feeling of family among the group and made the characters more likeable. The backstory also made the villain super unlikable and helped build the store. Ultimately, there was a lot of near death scenes in the movie that the characters always come back from, for me at least it takes away from scenes truly knowing that no main character is ever in danger since they always survive. I did enjoy the 3 part guardians series probably the most out of all the marvel hero storylines but this movie seemed to be more of the same as the others and did not stand out as much.

Big George Foreman

Uplifting movie
I never knew the story of George foreman but it really was an inspiring and uplifting to watch. To see George's upbringing and dealing with his angry and challenges as a child and into his adult life was encouraging and fun to watch him start to succeed. The acting was solid and I personally had a strong attachment to the main character that you see his development from a boy to a man. His nature of giving back and self exploration was captured really well and had you rooting for him every step of the way. Watching his ups and downs and struggles was truly inspiring and thought the movie captured it well.

Peter Pan & Wendy

Boring and not magical
Overall I like Peter Pan. The fun loving playful attitude of pan makes him a great character. I also use to really love hook as a villain. Personally I did not feel a strong connection to either character. The every scene seemed to be lacking a bit of emotion to me. The small twist they had among Captain Hook and pan was some what clever and did add something to the movie. But the overall feeling that pan gave me and the depressing feeling I got from these two was a bit upsetting to me and took away from the movie. I feel Disney has gone back and tried to give these villains more of a silver lining and make them more likeable, for example cruella was great. I personally thought they could have done better with hook as a villain. Also I personally have loved the alligator in the past and felt he did not get enough love in the movie but that is a personal bias. I was a bit underwhelmed in the end.

El hoyo

Thought provoking
The movie had deep thought prevoking ideas. It really gets into the social classes and the government styles and the affects on people in life or death situations. It really puts major concepts into a very visual display that is difficult but complying to watch. The acting and relationships amongst the characters is really strong and keeps you engaged the whole Time. This was a movie I truly will remember as it hits home with the real world applicable items. The ending was a bit confusing but it was meant to be up for interpretation. Overall it was not the easiest watch but worth it due to The quality and idea brought up.

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