
IMDb member since March 2002
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Hunter Killer

Tries to be another Hunt for Red October
...but it isn't...

This movie is mildly entertaining at best, but in fact really bad. It seems to pretent to be another Hunt for Red October or Crimson Tide, but it's nowhere near that level.

I didn't find the Navy Seals even remotely believable. Just some guys acting like tough guys, but looking ridiculous really.

The whole story is so far fetched and ridiculous that I just wanted to finish the movie to see how they managed to get out of it. But not that I was excited or worried for the heroes. It's just a bad script with bad acting and a very bad story.

I know there are tensions between Russia and the West, but it's not like in the 'good old days' of the Cold War. Back then we could relate to Hunt for Red October (which incidently features Vladimit Putin as a character in the movie) or Crimson Tide.


I don't like a movie where the makers go to great lengths to put (hide is a better word I guess) a meaning in everything. In the case of Lulu the end result is a film where the actors are wooden puppets, the words are (as is typical in Dutch movies) hard to understand (result of mumbling/poor sound levels) and the whole 'feel' of the movie is forced and unrealistic.

Maybe this was too arty-farty for me, but I usually like this kind of movie. The four points I gave are for the ever so lovely Lulu...who is a joy to watch. And Georgina Verbaan is playing her favorite role again; seems the only thing she can do right: playing a cheap broad.

In my opinion, Lulu had a lot of potential but it's wasted by the efforts to make this an art movie. Such a shame...


Like a mirror
At first, I was not interested in this movie. Mainly because I don't particularly like Van Gogh and Katja Schuurmans. His movies were 'too arty farty' for my taste and I detest his manners (or lack of them). And I regarded Katja as a nice piece of ass who wasn't a real actress. How wrong could I be...

I decided to rent the DVD after reading reviews and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know if it was the intention of Van Gogh to hold up a mirror in front of people like me, but that's the effect the movie had on me.

The same way I didn't regard Katja as a proper actress, the character of Pierre Bokma didn't take her seriously either. In return, Katja had an attitude towards people (like Bokma) because they don't take her seriously as an actress. In a way, this is reflected in the choice of the cast. Katja is a soapy and Bokma is a classic play actor. I found it quite refreshing to see Katja act very well. Even playing that she played a role (towards Bokma) came out very good. She really has a talent and actually can act. I was both delighted and ashamed of myself that I had judged Katja only because she played in a soap and looks gorgeous... I still don't like movies like Costa! but I'm not the target audience for those kind of movies. Interview is very well written, well played and if you like to see a great little gem of a movie, go see this.

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