
IMDb member since March 2023
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Attack on Pearl Harbor - Minute by Minute

I learned some new history. But why no mention.
I always thought the Japanese flew their planes from the homeland to attack. I was not aware of the mini subs either.

Unless I missed it there was no mention of the kamikaze pilots or their tactics. There was also a lot of hype about the US and their retaliation but never an outcome. Only the Japanese signing a surrender agreement at Pearl Harbor.

Regina Akers breaks off at one point explaining the racial divide by the Navy at that time. I'm not really sure what race has to do with anything when you're being attacked. I was always told that everyone in the military is the same color... Green.

Overall the documentary was great and it kept my attention through all three episodes. Not mentioning the Kamikaze pilots, Hiroshima or Nagasaki but adding racial divide was somewhat disappointing.

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