
IMDb member since August 2007
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Merry Textmas

Beware of hard to read subtitles!
I enjoyed the acting and the storyline was cute. But I found the subtitles very hard to read. They were in white and blended into the background much of the time. I had to pause or rewind at times to try to follow along to the important plot points. I would watch this one again next season if they changed to an easier to read format.

I did enjoy the storyline. The way the family met Alex was cute and felt like something that could really happen. I also enjoyed the family dynamic. Especially the relationship between the main character and her grandmother. It's worth a view just be prepared, this is not a movie that allows you to multi-task!

Harry & Meghan

Rooting for them
I thought the first three episodes of this were done very well. I feel like they gave equal time to their separate childhoods and lives before they met each other. I feel like I got to know them better and enjoyed hearing about their story. They seem very much in love, despite the obstacles. I didn't, in any sense, feel like Meghan was "whining" and I don't understand that criticism.

The UK tabloids are cruel and brutal, especially when Meghan. I don't blame Harry a bit for wanting to step away from the toxic royal life he was living. Can you imagine having to ask permission to propose to your girlfriend? Or having the press sleep outside your house, follow you around 24/7 and pay your neighbors to put cameras in their yards pointed at your house? Meghan was 100% correct when she said that if it happened to anyone else the police would have intervened. Just because you are famous doesn't make it ok to to stalk or harass you.

I really hope these two make it. I'm looking forward to the next 3 episodes.

In Merry Measure

This one rates in the middle of the pack so far with the 2022 lineup. My favorite thing about this movie was the chemistry between the sisters I would love to see them in another movie together. It felt like they really were sisters. Their banter and expressions were great. I also liked the friendship between the coach and the music teacher. The romantic chemistry felt a little forced but by the end I was rooting for them. I think the ending left something to be desired The whole movie built up to the big performance but I felt like it fell short. Maybe I have just watched Pitch Perfect too many times!

Girl in the Picture

This one will stay with me.
What a tragic life, this poor girl was failed by everyone in her life. It was hard to watch this as it was hard to connect with any of the people interviewed. Why didn't her "best friend" from high school report the rape? I can't even keep track of how many different men her mom brought into her life when she was little and then to not keep looking for her? Why did her dad just give her up? This poor girl was doomed from the start and then taken by a monster. Who apparently everyone in her life could see was a creepy pervert yet no one did anything to help her. I pray that Megan is able to come to terms with all of this and not let it affect her future.

So as for the film itself. I found the format confusing in the first half with all of the time jumps and name changes. I would rather have seen it in chronological order.

A Christmas Love Story

Confusing plot
The music was great and I adore Scott Wolf. But the plot had some big holes. The lead characters are pushing 50. Kristen's character was on Broadway 20 years earlier (so she would've been late 20s) She had a baby 17 years ago and said she had lost her parents and wasn't in a good financial place to keep him. She would have been around 30 years old and wrote and starred in a broadway show. It's like they tried to fit too many storylines in this one. It doesn't add up.

Instant Hotel

Need different scoring system.
I agree with other reviews...the scoring doesn't make sense. What incentive is there to fairly judge someone else's place of you know you already lost?

They could read the reviews out loud to the group but save the scores until after all the homes have been judged. I would also suggest they do smaller groups or make sure ALL of the contestants have the same number of bedrooms to level the playing field.

One thing I found amusing was that quite often the loudest, most obnoxious people ended up having the least to brag about!

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