
IMDb member since March 2023
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Bakugan: Battle Planet

Such a let down for a series that was once loved by so many
This show is a reboot of a series that I could still safely say had the biggest impact on my childhood and is probably still my favorite show of all time, but I'm not going bore you with my whole life story instead I'm going to talk about the small portion that I watched before I couldn't suffer through it anymore.

This show did a great job of being more child friendly and reaching out to its new target audience but sadly that is probably the only good thing I can say about this show. The story was changed so much from the original that you almost can´t compare them at all. Their choice of making all of the Bakugan mechanical instead of living creatures from another dimension/planet completely takes away from one of the main points from the original and some of the character conflicts. ¨Drago¨ the main partner of Dan despised mechanical Bakugan this was one of his defining character moments during the events of the original series' new Vestroia arc, now this being said it was probably a choice to more easily explain Bakugan to children facing the shift to a younger target audience now that being said I almost can't hold it against them because it certainly did maker the show much more simple.

Unfortunately, it's almost to a fault the choice to make the show much more simple means that at times in the show they basically throw out all the rules of the show and make the battles harder to follow and the change in the original 6 attributes didn't help with myself being a returning fan the executives overseeing this show made too many changes to ¨ modernize ¨ the show that they basically turned into a pile of hot garbage.

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