
IMDb member since March 2023
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This Is Where I Leave You

If the controversial person in 11th grade, English wrote the screenplay personified
Maybe it's me, but I have this thing where I hate when something that is marketed as some sort of highbrow movie and it is complete shock value. This is just shock comedy- it's not funny at all it's like someone that took all AP classes in high school wrote something to be "intellectual" and then added scenarios that you would expect to see and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (which is a classic and I'm no way disrepcting) the characters are shallow. Jane Fonda is the overly sexed mother-who constantly talks about her prior sex life. Tina Fey is married to the workaholic in a loveless marriage. The jar of olives in the fridge is conflicted because of its immigrant parents and it's identify. The comedy is predictable. The thing that sucks the most is this cast is incredible. Everyone of those people have done great things and have a wide range. I will point out that this is the second time Kathryn Hahn on has attempted to have sex with her husband's brother, the other one was stepbrothers.


Nothing about this show is good. Everyone forgot how to act or never could to begin with. It's an interesting premise but it doesn't work as a comedy. I feel like the show is probably written by people that have their car covered in snide bumper stickers that let you know that the person has a specific position on any given subject with no real grasp on the issue.(At least here as the show totally sucks) There is this gimmick where child version of Kerry Washington steps in and tries to be cute/ smart and it's just a train wreck if train wrecks stopped you from doing something else for an and hour and talked down to you.

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