
IMDb member since August 2007
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Writer reviews his own film
The only other review praising this film appears to be the writer himself clearly ever having heard the phrase "self praise is no recommendation".

Donal MacIntyre: Unsolved

Unsolved will remain unsolved with this clown investigating.
The self promoting McIntyre has always managed to make a little go a long way and this series is no different.

A very simple premise is to take an unsolved crime and spend 90% of the programme retelling what happened and then offer some possible explanations by doing what McIntyre is a past master at and state the bleeding obvious... "she could have been killed by someone she knew or someone she didn't".

The programme never comes up with anything knew or add anything to the investigation that could lead to a resolution just trotting out so called experts offering "possible" theories.

Bland, boring and pointless just like the man himself.

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