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Finally Thanksgiving competes with Halloween and Xmas
In this era of garbage slasher and mystery movies, this one stands out. It has some original kills with some thoughts into them, which makes the movie quite enjoyable and we should definitely recognize the effort to be so creative be creating scenes that no one else thought of before. The mystery is also unpredictable which is another positive aspect to the movie.

Yet, the plot could have been way better. The movie should have learned from previous teenage/college mistakes. Creating too many characters without giving them enough credit and involvement is useless. Also, the villain should have been given more emphasis throughout the movie, and mainly once being revealed.

Overall, I have enjoyed the movie and I can see it coming up again next Thanksgiving.

Til Death Do Us Part

Till death I will hate this movie
It is a poor execution of ready or not. The movie has potential but the execution was really bad and the acting is extremely poor. I do not know why there are endless scenes of boring conversations that lead to nowhere. I always wonder how would a script written to contain such amount of useless information compiled together to waste someone's 90 minutes. Please I am trying to save your time so unless you are going to look for some bad examples, otherwise spare your time and do or watch something else. Perhaps the only good thing about the movie is the action. I would not say it is top notch, but potentially watchable if you have really nothing else to watch.

Talk to Me

Yes, we have to talk
So far, this is one of the most controversial movies in terms of ratings, as I see people who are praising it and people who are hating. Well, I think both sides have a point.

Let us start with the praise: in the era that we all agree that horror movies are in crisis, this movie has come up with a new spin to get out of reheating in the microwave what has been done thousand times. Summoning the dead is one of the main themes in horror movies, and being able to innovate on it is already an achievement. Imagining a new way to connect with spirits is what makes this movie interesting. And unfortunately, that is about it.

This takes us now to the people hating it: everything else about the movie it's just average to say the least. The main plot is very predictable. The acting is okayish. The movie gets really slow right after the beginning. The movie ends up mixing the teenage hype with experience without any creativity. I even found some of the plot decisions unreasonable.

To conclude, let us perhaps give this movie a shot just because of the innovation, but do not expect too much because you'll be disappointed very quickly. If you like watching teenagers talking to the dead without any interesting or twisting plot development, then you can enjoy this movie.


Brings back dignity to horror movies
We definitely live in an era where horror movies are in crisis. We cannot go beyond the classics and we just keep repeating ourselves in a shameful way. This movie represents a living proof that we can do better than just cloning the best. The way it innovates and twists the story makes it compelling. The acting is from another level. The story is amazing, just like most of Korean movies anyway. The storytelling is top notch, and realistic.

I hope to see more movies trying to mimic this one as well so that we can elevate the quality of upcoming horror movies a little bit. I would be happy to see knockoffs of this one as no matter how bad they will be, just by cloning this one, they will be watchable enough. This is how amazing this movie is.


Groundbreaking screenlife type of movie
This movie shows that it is still possible to come up with a groundbreaking piece of art by defining and amazing story, innovative storytelling, great actors, and finally a novel screen life shooting.

This movie is iconic and will become the de facto of all upcoming screen life and social media type of movies. Yet, it would be very hard to be such an amazing story that would keep you on your toes.

I hope to see more of these movies as they require a lot of effort, and so that they remind me to watch searching again.

This movie is also family friendly so you can enjoy this with whoever you want.

The Pale Blue Eye

Mystery remastered
It has been a while since mystery movies I have lost the mystery in them since after all, the audience has been trained to properly predict who would be the murderer by looking at the person least accused or least thought of. Therefore, the audience have developed that kind of prediction model which would actually work most of the time for all movies developed recently. This one was able to bring back that wow moment as the story develops and no matter how you thought about how it would go, the twist was actually better and most likely not expected. Therefore I would strongly recommand watching this movie.


This movie shows that you would not need a lot to make a great piece of art! The movie does not have strong language, or nudity or sex, or action and Gore. None of that is there, yet it is a solid filler with great twists, and a perfect slow burning events. The acting is great, the scenes are breathtaking, and the story is simply amazing! I have tried to think of something that was wrong about the movie, and I could not even think of anything. It is definitely enjoyable either if you watch it alone or with the family. I wish we can see more of this movie. It actually gave me hope that we can still produce great movies in this era.

The Stranger in Our Bed

Great as a book bad as a movie
This movie says the example of why we should not transform each and every single successful book into a movie. I can see how this story would fly in a book, as it resembles to a fairy tale. It's transformation into a movie made it unrealistic. It is really a very slow burn with fewer characters and easily predictable outcomes. We are in 2022, and defining good and bad character since second one is not definitely a good idea. Even the good one, she is jumping into someone else's bed the moment she gets the opportunity to, setting the example of someone who could easily cheat and mislead then expect people to be okay with it. Besides that, the movie is flawed with some unrealistic scenes but still, it is watchable if you truly want to kill some time.

Orphan: First Kill

Finally a prequel done right
First of all, for all the reviews that keep comparing this one to the original 2009 one, please be thoughtful and never ever expect the same reaction to be duplicated. You cannot reasonably expect any prequel to trigger the same reaction of the original movie. However think of it as a continuation of the first one, an extension that can help you understand and re-enjoy the first one.

In mind, creating a prequel for the orphan is not going to be easy, given how amazing the original movie was, which exponentially raises the expectations for the second one. Yet, orphan first kill, has managed to be another hidden gem on its own. It was faithful to the storyline of the first movie, and brought back the same atmosphere. It has its own base and twists, which made it exciting to watch. At the same time, advantage to keep the same level of suspense of the first movie.

Finally, I hope people would realize how difficult it is to come up with such an amazing movie in 2022. And this one has exceeded all my expectations.


Horror as it should be
In the universe will all horror movies have become cliche, this hidden sham shows how it is possible to create a masterpiece without spending millions of dollars and copy pasting from all the previous movies.

Despite starting a little bit slow, every single moment of this movie is worth it. The story was detailed to the line. The acting was remarkably good. Every scene was into the story and there were no fillers.

This movie should be a template for future wants to come. Everything in this movie was well timed. Despite being 12 years old, it has the potential to be an icon for horror movies.

Halloween Ends

Respect your iconic character
I am not even a Michael Myers fan, and I felt extremely but hurt after the movie. We all know it is going to die but you should have thought of thousands ways to kill the legacy of the man and not the man.

Showing Michael Myers being vulnerable is also a spin off the original Halloween, and it broke a secret contract that you had with the fan, and made Halloween what it is.

People came to watch Michael Myers, and they get roughly 15 minutes of screenplay for this character, which does not make sense.

Also, you invest 60 minutes of screenplay on a kid that has nothing to do with Michael Myers then you kill them by the end, made no sense to me.

The Black Phone

Another cliché
I wonder for how long we are going to rate movies based on things other than the movie itself. Forget about actors, staff, and everything else, the movie is on itself a huge cliché with nothing for us to enjoy, aside from bringing some old memories of our childhood college.


This movie reminders of the possibility of not following Hollywood cliches and still be able to outperform the ordinary and produce a moment of magic for the audience. The movie does not bring necessarily a novel story or a brand new concept, instead, it takes an existing well studied, well known, very well matured topic of black magic and reinvents it in a very realistic way. Perhaps, that is what made this movie succeed, is the degree to which it has respected the traditions and the atmosphere that typical movies would not adopt so that they can make the movie more exciting. I guess the scary part of this movie is its closeness to reality, given it is a horror one.

La svolta

Not bad
Even if the story is very predictable, the actual acting and events development make it exciting to watch. If you enjoy kidnapping stories that take turnovers and twists, you are going to enjoy this movie. The ending is not difficult and may not appeal to the large audience who believes in fairy tales.

A House on the Bayou

I do understand how some horror fans can be picky and pick a lot of holes in this movie but, to be honest, we are living in an era where we cannot complain much anymore and we should be just happy with what we get. The movie delivers the bare minimum so I guess that would be sufficient for someone to watch this on a Monday night (when you have nothing else better to do).

Eight for Silver

We, horror fans, are the ones cursed
If this movie is the best horror one for 2021, and potentially 2022, then we are the one cursed by living in this era of time. God please have mercy on us, we may end up just watching comedy soon.

The Weekend Away

Worth it
Keeping in mind that this is not your typical AAA, multimillion dollar movie, if you keep your expectations low to the level of not thinking too much about it, you may end up enjoying it more than you think. The story has some good interesting twists into it and therefore it becomes enjoyable as the story develops more. It is a bit slow to my taste, but perhaps that is how the story should be developed. I like the atmosphere and the ideas being thrown in the movie. Overall, if you start watching without putting into your mind that this should be your best movie ever, then perhaps you may find some taste into it.

No Exit

Hidden Jem
When you have absolutely no expectations of a good movie. Then you start seeing a slow burn that quickly develops in a very interesting way, you cannot stop admiring how the screenplay can be really good in so many ways. This is not your typical AAA movie, but definitely worth the time and the watch, especially in 2022 where all the big million movies are just garbage.


A mix of nonsense
The story is boring and predictable.

The acting is okay.

There is a love story in the middle that does not make any sense and does not contribute to the story as a whole.

The sex scenes seem to be parachuted into the movie to make it exciting, but they're not.

Conclusion, do not waste your time and energy.

Non mi uccidere

Please kill me
For how long, us, however movie fans, we will have to be dealing with people who think that mixing movies will be a good idea. Twilight style movies cannot be attractive to whoever has a brain. We need something more creative rather than naked women.

Choufli Hal

Best Tunisian product ever
Not only it is the best Tunisian product ever, based on what we see nowadays, it will remain this way for a long long time. It is rare to see such fine comedy without sexual assault, reference to drugs, nudity and abuse, which people are trying to inject in our society. This TV show is a perfect reflection of the Tunisian society at its best and worst.

Penyalin Cahaya

I think many reviews did not understand the ending. Mainstream is always looking for "happy" endings where bad guys always lose and good guys always win. Unfortunately, this is not how the system works. The movie has chosen to be more realistic. If you are familiar with how everything works, powerful people will always find ways not only to escape being punished, but to switch this back to good people. The movie hints that solving such a problem should be true large scale social impact.


You are a freak!
In case you didn't give this movie a 10 then you are either anti-freaks or a Marvel fan! This movie brings a classic story in a freaky way, and shows Marvel and DC how to be a bit more creative, and stop copy pasting their own plus over and over and over again.


A hidden gem
In an era where we experience cruises in horror movie industry, this one was able to bring back some feelings that I lost since long time ago. Thrills, creepiness, and breathtaking moments is what you will get if you watch this movie. There is one important aspect though: this movie reflects a lot the North African culture and there will be a lot of hints and hidden indications that you will only realize if you are familiar with the North African environment. Interestingly, the movie is tackling a problem that is not popular and people avoid talking about in the North African culture. I would definitely recommend this movie to whoever looking for reviving old school horror with modern filming and interesting atmosphere.

300: Rise of an Empire

Pretty historically weak
To be honest I was really expecting much of this movie, unfortunately, it was far down and much worse than I have understood from the reviews. The movie went from describing the legendary battles between Persians and Greeks to a pure reflection of American vs. middle-eastern conflicts. The Persians were stereotyped as Arabs and black people that are heartless and violent. Greeks are meanwhile white, look more correct and charming. Persians were pictured as monsters that did not care about the slaves and their own soldiers who were killed but the Greeks were pictured as ultimate defenders of not only their country but also the freedom and democracy, moreover, apparently they (Greeks) don't have any slaves working for them, which is completely wrong as slavery was widely spread at that time and it wasn't like the recent slavery of African people, the color did not matter and the Greeks were using them (slaves) to build their monuments like Acropolis.

I will not go over and analyze the Movie because its just not Worth the effort.

I'm simply going spend my remaining Days praying that all the involved people in this Movie will spend the rest of their lives flipping Burgers at McDonald's.

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