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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

This was the best movie of the series since twilight itself. Clearly people who have not read the books are at somewhat of a disadvantage, but if you watched the series from beginning to Breaking Dawn Part I, then I would definitely not miss this one. It is obvious that Lionsgate's influence on this movie had a positive result and I wish that influence extended to the others, because of Summit's former 'make it cheap' attitude. The books deserved better, because the movies focused more on character relationships and less on an important theme from the books which was you can choose to be a predator, or not and the results of those choices. For me, bringing the books to life was very fun and being an old person, a nice diversion. If you haven't seen the prior movies, or read the books, then I'd skip the movie as it won't make much sense. (Hence a prior review comparing it to X-men. Really?!?!) Otherwise I think it tied in twilight's original feel and look, which made it best movie since twilight. I will be going back again to watch in in theater and buying the DVD.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

new moon Cleary good, but Summit Entertainment has to take responsibility for it's shortcomings.
I knew it and had written about it a couple of times. If these movies were not done exactly right, then the treasure contained within the book series would be lost. As I stated here before, people were talking about the twilight series as being the next Harry Potter. Well, what did that mean exactly. It meant that the Author had given the movie studio, production crew, screen writer(s) and director(s) had a plethora of well written fictitious treasure to work with. The books were huge and are still very high in top rankings. This meant that there is a certain responsibility the movie studio inherits, to deliver the quality product that the fans want. Do that and you have a blockbuster, a series of successful movies that everyone will enjoy. Do it not and you get what Summit pictures and their leader has unfortunately given us. Insufficient funding, rushed (Impossible.) schedule and zero lack of understanding of what it was they had.

The book series of what I like to think of as 'Fine Art Literature' would easily sell itself as a potential blockbuster movie, producing resources for the Studio, but not the movie series they are throwing out there. People are used to seeing faced paced, quick action, short flicks with little depth. Monster flicks with lots of good graphic violence in them, where Blade, or Van Helsing saves the day. Run time: 90 minutes, good for television, bad for movie art.

The series of books were obviously very good. Bella was written as a serious, responsible, literate and smart teenage girl. Edwards and his family of Vampires, have chosen a family life and not to be monsters. Vampires that actually contribute to society, instead of prey upon it. Edward, who has lived 100 years, had learned the rarity and the value of love. Edward knew full well that love meant putting the other's feelings, wants, desires and needs before his own. Edward loves Bella completely and utterly without restraint. So much so, that he leaves her to give her the best chance at a great life without his interference, or hurting her. That's a damn deep subject and by the way, it's also what makes life worth living. Even us regular mortals, with our regular lives oftentimes have difficulties with subjects like these. That's the whole point really. What is it you chose to be and what will you contribute to this life?

Kristen Stewart, Taylor Laughtner, Ahsley Green and Robbert Pattinson were perfect, in my humble opinion. I am proud of them all. Most of the others were also very good. I was proud of all the actors, given the ridiculously short schedule and lack of funding this movie received. It might have been better to have these actors in a play and skip the movie part, because that's really what we got. The actual screenplay was better than the first twilight movie. Of the two movies so far, this movie is the closest to the book. If Kristen Stewart actually did try and intercede in behalf of Katherine Hardwick and Stephanie Meyers, then she did great! I was very pleased to see the movie stuck so closely to the book. Now the wolves were not perfect, but very good. The rest of the movie was rushed together, the editing was not so good and harsh even. The music scores were not so good and not nearly as moving as twilight. Clearly Summit Entertainment failed, while those who worked the movie, tried to accomplish the impossible. Look beyond this as being a typical vampire movie and you will be rewarded with a great, fun, love story. new moon is funny, has profound sadness in it, good writing and is different from your run of the mill Vampire story. I'm 51 years old, I read the books and I look forward to the next. :)

Apollo 11: The Untold Story

If you're researching UFO facts, then this video is very important. The 'meat' of the video is the comments made by Buzz Aldrin. He is without a doubt from the best of America. Trained to be objective, honest and factual in his reports. Many Astronauts from America of all eras have reported some kind of contact, or UFO observance and there are videos from some of those missions. At the very least something has happened that requires further objective ongoing investigating. I think this testimony from Buzz Aldrin shows that it is possible that other worlds may be interested in our progress. Like all supposed documentary video, this one may be slanted, but it does contain further information and opinions from an accomplished American hero. Those don't come along every day. So the fact that some people aren't interested in details should not detour your from viewing this video. If nothing else, it is interesting and I recommend you watch with an open mind.

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