
IMDb member since May 2023
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12 Monkeys

By far the best movie ever made
This movie is exceptional. I have had the honour to watch this movie 4 times now, and I must admit that the details in this movie are so crazy, that you can keep rewatching it, and feel like you're watching a whole new movie!

I must say, Brad Pitt's acting is so spot on, and he is 100% the best fitting actor for the role. I keep returning to the clip of Brad Pitt talking about germs, because it's so true!

Also huge kudos to Bruce Willis. His acting was also incredible.

The 90's were really the golden age for movies, and this movie especially shows. This movie beats 80% of the movies made today.


What did we learn from this?
Nothing. For real. Nothing! Other than us, the viewers, should learn to stay away from movies like these.

From personal experience, gymnasium (highschool) is in NO WAY like this! Here I can't stop asking myself - did the writer not take input from real students? Did they not take feedback? Did the writer perhaps graduate from gymnasium in the 1930's? COME ON, this is how my grandma would picture gymnasium...

There were also completely pointless and unrelated scenes, which neither contributed to the plot or character development. Why even include these? And what the hell was the point of the 999 scenes of the main character running!

The problem is the movie is way too long. This kind of movie reminds me of the short movies we would make back in 9th grade. Could easily be cut down to 20-25 mins and posted on YouTube instead.

I don't have many positive things to say. I guess the actors were fine, except quite a few of them looked a bit too old to be freshmen. The acting, on the other hand... I'm not gonna say anything...

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