
IMDb member since August 2007
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    17 years


Made of Honor

A romantic comedy with a guy's perspective
I have to start by saying that I am not a huge fan of "chick flicks" but I actually really liked this one! I thought this had a lot of humor and it wasn't really cheesy humor, it was actually funny.

I saw this at a screening for theater managers and at first I wasn't even going to go. I wasn't expecting much from it, it just looked like another rip off of a hundred other romantic comedies. I was very surprised that that I liked it the entire way through and it kept my interest the whole time! Although I enjoyed the movie, it was not an original idea. The one thing I did really enjoy about it was that this wasn't a sad girl trying to get the guy like many other movies like this are, it was shown through the guy's perspective which isn't quite as over done.

I won't give out any details you don't already see in the trailer for the movie: Patrick Dempsy's character is great with women and his best friend is a successful intelligent woman. She goes to Scotland on business and Patrick's character realizes he has actually fallen in love with her now that shes gone. She comes back and he is ready to profess his love but there's one problem: she met someone else and is getting married! So now he is her "maid of honor" and has to try and stop the wedding. Like I said, not really an original idea but it is MUCH funnier and more interesting than most of the romantic comedies I have seen. Especially with him being maid of honor, its really hilarious.

If you are looking for an original movie that hasn't been done before then this is not for you. But if you enjoy romantic comedies and want a good laugh this one is definitely worth seeing. I watched it in a group of about half and half for men and woman and 90% of the people I talked to enjoyed it. I would see it again and I would definitely recommend it to anyone, even if you don't like "chick flicks"!

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