
IMDb member since August 2007
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    IMDb Member
    16 years


The Trigger Effect

Contrived anti gun tripe...
Pure leftist anti-gun BS.

The point of this movie is obvious; to try and make everyone who watches it come away with a fear and hate for guns.

The entire plot is so contrived as to insulting to any rational, thinking person. So much so, that if you can make it too the end of the movie, you didn't need this movie to change your mind. You already had an irrational hate of guns.

So far, I never have seen a gun, by itself, shoot. Much less kill anyone.

Contrived drivel... poorly acted.

Andròn: The Black Labyrinth

The only thing going for this movie is:
Baldwin and Glover only had cameos. (Thankfully, as both of them suck) Any more than that and it would rate a ZERO! (I wish that rating was an option on IMDb)

That's all I have, but I MUST type 10 lines... so here are the remaining lines.

This movie really sucks.

This movie will take away time from your life that you will never be able to get back.

Why does IMDb force us to write more than is necessary?

My first 2 sentences were sufficient to make my point.

This line is completely pointless and unnecessary.

Willow Creek

Long wait for very little reward from an amateurish effort.
I think the subject of this message tells you everything you need to know.

"Lost found footage" my ass! Much like RAP music. No talent BS.

99% of the movie is leading up to a climax, which, when it finally does climax, is so lame it is silly. But not in a funny way. Bobcat owes me the time I wasted watching this piece of crap.

If you like it, good for you. However, if you do like it, I wonder how boring the rest of your life must be?

Bobcat has done a decent movie or two, but this is not one of them! I got the feeling he got the financial backing for "something???" and just put this garbage out to satisfy. Not satisfactory Bob.

Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

Could be more truthful
Why is it that, today, if the subject matter is that of a black person, it is nearly always is reviewed positively no matter if the portrayal is good or really bad.

Cry racism or bigotry, but the question still remains.

I am not talking about the real story of Ben Carson, but the Hollywood portrayal and synthesized story. Of course, this is typical Hollywood theatrics and often called "artistic license".

I, for one, would like to see Hollywood present a real story without embellishing it. Especially when it comes to racial issues. Hollywood is biased and it shows.

Bravo to Ben Carson, but not to this production (among many) for trivializing the fact in favor of a "good story".

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