
IMDb member since May 2023
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Scooter LaForge: A Life of Art

fantastic art documentary
Scooter LaForge was all about art from day one. He's into all kinds of art - graffiti, expressionism, neo-surrealism - you name it, he's dabbled. His stuff? It's all about pop culture and what's happening now. The director, Minsker, jazzes things up with animation, giving us a peek into Scooter's artsy journey from way back. It's not just a boring talkfest; it's like art in motion. Scooter's story is fascinating, and his art? Mind-blowing. But what really makes this documentary stand out is how Scooter's crew has shaped him, and how he's shaped them right back. Art's always evolving, right? Scooter gets that, and Minsker's doc totally celebrates his vibe and his killer work.


Indie sci-fi at its finest.
Constrained in scope and predominantly situated within a single setting, "Hemisphere" revolves around a modest cast of actors. While it falls within the low-budget category, the film captivated my attention more effectively than many independent sci-fi productions. The initial 20 minutes of the film predominantly feature Paige Rion in the role of Sandra, and she adeptly carries the narrative. However, the movie truly comes alive with the introduction of Julia Kashmanian as Phoebe. The synergy between these two actors becomes evident, and their collaboration adds a vibrant energy to the unfolding story. Embrace a hint of suspension of disbelief, and you'll embark on an enjoyable and unpredictable journey with "Hemisphere".

A Dangerous Prey

It's distinctive style leaves a lasting impression.
A Dangerous Prey explores themes of discrimination and human determination, throwing light on the challenges posed by racial tensions, crime and urban gentrification. While the movie excels in many aspects, the subplot involving the character Al feels a little under explored. Despite a few flaws it offers ample material for discussion. It's distinctive style leaves a lasting impression, sparking dialogue about the challenges individuals face in changing societies. This movie's courage to tackle important issues and its thought-provoking portrayal of urban gentrification, racism, and survival make it noteworthy. It pushes social boundaries in ways most filmmakers would run from.


Seamlessly blending suspense and humor from start to finish.
"Clear Mind" is an exhilarating and enjoyable cinematic experience, seamlessly blending suspense and humor from start to finish. The story introduces a cast of delightful characters in a story that strikes the perfect balance between engagement and relatability, never taking itself too seriously. The stellar performances, coupled with impressive cinematography, seamless editing, and a captivating musical score, contribute to the film's overall excellence. "Clear Mind" kept me on the edge of my seat with its fast-paced plot and entertaining characters. I give it two thumbs up and recommend you give it a watch.

Dublin Crust

Plunge headfirst into the rebellious world of the band CRUST in this gripping movie
If you're a movie or music enthusiast, prepare to be plunged headfirst into the rebellious world of the band CRUST in this gripping movie.

The narrative is a tightly woven tapestry that keeps you hooked from start to finish, leaving you craving more insight into the unfolding drama. The film successfully balances humor and heart, making it an engaging watch for anyone eager to see how it all plays out. It speaks to the universal theme of craving change and the potential for self-destructive paths, particularly relevant to the struggles faced by young individuals. The film, with its brilliant execution, becomes a canvas for everyone, young and old, to reflect on their own journeys, passions, and the challenges of navigating life. In summary, "Dublin Crust" masterfully blends humor, heartbreak, and relatable experiences.

What Rhymes with Reason

The issues depicted in the movie feel watered down
This film, an evidently low-budget attempt at a contemporary spin on The Breakfast Club, falls short in capturing the essence of its inspiration. The dialogue and acting come across as contrived, lacking the authenticity needed to resonate with viewers. The issues depicted in the movie feel watered down and fail to reflect the complexities of real-life challenges faced by young individuals. In my sincere assessment, it seems like a production crafted by a group of church members, possibly from the youth group. If you have a penchant for such movies, you might find "What Rhymes with Reason" more to your liking. However, I wouldn't recommend subjecting today's teens to this film, as they are likely to critique it harshly and dissect its shortcomings.

Toxic Impulses

Moral lines doing the cha-cha in Toxic Impulses
"Toxic Impulses" is a wild ride where an ex-cop crosses paths with a mysterious chick claiming she's caught up in some blackmail mess. Dude's hesitant at first, but then he dives into an investigation not knowing she's also a bank robber. As time ticks away, he gets sucked into this dark world of lies, crime, and danger. The story's written tight, throwing unexpected twists along the way. If you're on the lookout for a tale drenched in betrayal and moral lines doing the cha-cha, "Toxic Impulses" is your jam. Buckle up, fam, 'cause this one's gonna take you on a rollercoaster of secrets and consequences that you won't see coming.


It's a fun and quirky ride that kept me thoroughly engaged.
This delightfully eccentric film offers a refreshing perspective on contemporary issues, featuring veteran actor Eric Roberts. "Suffrage" follows the adventures of the down-on-her-luck private eye, Cat Black, as she unravels the connections between a surge in crimes and a reclusive famous actress. What sets this movie apart is its refusal to conform to pretentious trends-it's a fun and quirky ride that kept me thoroughly engaged. Acknowledging its flaws, including slightly forced dialogue and a somewhat predictable storyline, the film still manages to entertain and it pays off, leading to moments of genuine laughter. Cat Black, portrayed by Natasha Hall, delivers a commendable performance, and Eric Roberts brings his signature charm to the screen.

Dirty Beautiful

This film immerses viewers in a rollercoaster of emotions.
"Dirty Beautiful" stands as a testament to the unique narratives that indie films bring to avid movie enthusiasts. This indie gem offers compelling storytelling, stellar performances, and a profound exploration of intricate characters. The film immerses viewers in a rollercoaster of emotions, leaving them yearning for more. David, a struggling writer, crosses paths with Kat, bearing a tragic past and an abusive ex-boyfriend. As their relationship unfolds, David witnesses Kat's self-destructive tendencies, plunging him into unfamiliar territory. Together, they embark on a transformative journey, confronting their demons to salvage their connection. The narrative weaves a harrowing love story, yet beneath the chaos lies a poignant reminder that within our human frailties emerges a greater compassion and courage-the enduring power to love.

Broken City

Broken City makes bold choices.
Broken City delves into a world of economic struggles, crime, and moral ambiguity, crafting a tale of desperation and bold choices. The story is centered around the challenges faced by Maya and her boyfriend, Desmond, as they navigate the precarious path of preserving her families home. It takes a dramatic turn as the characters find themselves resorting to unconventional measures, including robbing affluent homes for financial gain. The addition of Andy, a mysterious character, injects an intriguing element of suspense and complexity into the plot. I totally did not see the twist at the end coming!

As the Village Sleeps

"As The Village Sleeps" ain't your typical horror flick
Yo, peep this: "As The Village Sleeps" ain't your typical horror flick-it's a timeless tale with a crew of fly young cats teetering on the edge of life and death. It's more about that thriller vibe, tapping into your mind's eye to stir up some serious fear. They play it slick, leaving most of the scary bits to your own imagination-mad effective and hits close to home.

What really makes this joint stand out is how it tells a banging story on a tight budget. It's a salute to low-budget filmmaking done right, capturing that suspense and thrill without dropping stacks. Most horror flicks go for the flashy, but this one? It's all about that subtle game and storytelling prowess, earning its spot in the suspense scene, no doubt.

Solid Rock Trust

Solid Rock Trust is Rock Solid Fun
Yo, check it: Solid Rock Trust ain't just another flick-it's a solo star in its own league! I could spill the beans, but nah, that'd spoil the gig. This indie gem screams "brilliance" on a low budget vibe, and Rick Ives? Man, he's hit the jackpot with his debut joint (hard to believe, right?). Picture this: a slick heist drama loaded with mad cleverness, and Koko Marshall? Straight up, dialect genius delivering pure tension vibes! The editing? Smooth and quick, packed with all them unexpected twists and turns you'd crave in this genre. Keeping that pressure cooker boiling in one spot takes skill, but yo, he nails it where others trip. I'm hyped to peep his next move-dude's got serious talent!

Summer with the Guys

Summer with the Guys! Straight up, it's off the charts!
Yo, peep this: Summer with the Guys! Straight up, it's off the charts! This flick's got that raunchy humor that keeps you cracking up non-stop, yo. Picture this: four college ballers lose their scholarships and end up hustling as strippers for the summer just to bank enough cash for school. It's all about that sexy vibe and non-stop entertainment. The dance moves? Smooth as butter. And the jokes? They're fire, man. If you're down for a chill time and wanna straight up laugh your head off, gotta peep Summer with the Guys. Trust, it's lit! I'm talk 'em off the charts hot. You gotta check it out~

Jovi & Lou

An oddball comedy drama.
Jovi & Lou is an oddball comedy drama that has God and Satan playing games and manipulating the lives of ordinary humans in the most funny of ways. It's an indie film but doesn't have an indie look to it. The camera work and color correction are top notch giving a very cinematic look to the film. The writing is funny lending itself to laughs on many different levels and yet the story is also laced with drama. Jovi and Lou is funny, thought provoking and so worth the short one hour and 16 minute runtime. They really packed a lot into this movie. I give it two thumbs up, check it out for yourself.

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