
IMDb member since May 2023
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

What movie have you people watched?...Fantastic!
What movie have you people watched?... This was Fantastic! Are you All ADD???? Do you Not posses suspension of disbelief? This film was fantastic from start to finish......What was there not to like......Action ....check......Story......check.....fantastic visuals......check......Period drama.....check.......comedy.....check......Nostalgia of a fantastic series.......check......Now I am a big fan of this series and was thoroughly entertained.... I am starting to think this has been banged ratings wise on this site solely for political purposes.....Anti Disney etc....... I am a Republican and Disney or not this was a smartly made excellent film and a fitting close out to the Harrison Ford era of this franchise....... My mother god rest her soul would have loved this film as she was a huge fan of the series also....... See it you wont be disappointed......

SAS Rogue Heroes

World War 2 show written for millennials.......
This seems like a World War 2 show written for millennials.....Style wise.....Everyone seems to be trying to push the cool button a little too hard in this........it had tremendous potential but in the end its just lacking because of this method of writing....... Seriously when you need that much AC/DC music during multiple action scenes you are compensating........And I like AC/DC they just dont mix well with a WW2 Era show in multiple scenes in multiple episodes.....Still a descent show with another notable performance from Jack O'Connell who was very good in this show and even better in The North Water......Watch that show its better than this one......

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