
IMDb member since September 2007
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    16 years



Fantastic Show - More please!
This show has it all and best of all it appeals to me at 40yrs young which is a rare thing for a TV series to do these days. Most of the garbage they churn out now is aimed at young folk but Vegas is a treat for someone who loves the old westerns, classic movies and a good thick plot. Quaid is a great actor and he has great supporting actors around him in this series, the characters are very well written and they all play a big part with no sub plots that waste your time and don't progress things. For once I can see scope for several seasons to come as Vegas grows,the casinos get bigger and the Mob wanting a bigger slice of the action. There seems plenty to go at without getting repetitive. Here's hoping those seasons materialise and who knows, a few cameos for Joe Pesci and co...

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