
IMDb member since June 2023
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    1 year


Fresh Kills

Fresh Kills: A fresh and perspective shifting film.
Fresh Kills reaches through the established perimeters of a well-known genre to extract a sympathetic, gut-wrenching, and at times abrasive look into the lives of the typically obscured wives and daughters of the mob. Well written, well cast, with convincing production design and on location shooting, Fresh Kills fairly exhales the atmosphere of 1980/1990s Staten Island, NY. First-time writer/director Jennifer Esposito handles the reins with aptitude and steers the narrative in a way that invites the viewer to not only empathize with the women on screen but to relate to the challenges they face in bearing the burden of their predetermined roles. Authentic performances by the cast flesh out the on-screen characters and leave indelible impressions of their existence that won't fade when the credits roll. Fresh Kills is a notable film. Not perfect- but good. Very, very good.

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