
IMDb member since September 2007
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    16 years


Sweet 15

Fine and fun movie.
Another Jr. High teacher recommended that I show it to my classes. It is great for 7th graders. (recommended 5th-8th grade) Lots of humor throughout.

Yes, the casting of Panchito Gomez as the older "boy" is questionable given his age --- can't pass for 18 or 19 --- so I suspended my disbelief and got over it! He did a good job.

I've seen this movie several times and am passing the word that it is great for 10-14 year olds. It's been used in class to discuss plot diagrams, characterization, theme, etc.

Has lots of lessons about pursuing dreams, tenacity, family relations (siblings, parents, growing up and finding one's own way). Nearly all of the 7th graders loved it. Some here saw it in high school and seem to have brought that age group's snobbishness with them to their reviews. They missed the whole thrust of the movie.

Fine film. Hochberg and Weil are to be commended.

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