
IMDb member since September 2007
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    16 years


American Horror Stories: Lake
Episode 8, Season 2

Worse than Sharknado!
Not even in the same realm of any AHS episode. Avoid at all costs! The acting is less than amateur from start to finish and the makeup work and design is laughable. I absolutely feel sorry for the new lead actress and Laicoa Silverstone for having this sin of a imdb listing on their record. I can't imagine being in the next producers meeting and going one day "yes I was in the one horribly bad episode of AHS. I single handedly possibly took down the serious by being in a finale episode that should have not ever left the cutting room floor. Let alone the casting couch." It truly is that awful so if you want to hate watch, this is your ticket to ride.

3 from Hell

The Devils Rejects Should Have Been Then Ending.
Even before the film begins, you are immediately told by the director himself Rob Zombie that there was no intention to create a third film in the series. His masterpiece had come and gone 15 years ago and yet the too often need to relish in past greatness came back to haunt him. The film is nothing like its predecessor's. Its pacing is slow and even annoying at times. Worse the film becomes derivative as it goes on taking useless over amassed tropes to new heights. He could have done so much better and I know that in my heart. But two hours later, like me you'll know why this was only a "3 Day Event".

Long Shot

A more natural look at woman world leaders.
Although it's a comedy and (kind of) romance throughout, it stays grounded. Although the United States view of welcoming female world leaders into film has to be comedic, it stays realistic. Soon women are going to have to be portrayed like men in these roles. Both dark and courageous. Both protector and aggressor. Or else it'll always remain in the realm of fantasy. And foreign governments will always be the inspiration for the country who prides itself on being inspiring.

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