
IMDb member since August 2023
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    9 months


Praise Petey

Unfunny, forced, and honestly not that good.
Praise Petey had a lot of potential that is thrown out the window the second you hit the play button. The art style looks like a bitmoji, the writing is god awful, and the jokes are unfunny and feel forced. The show's plot had a lot of potential, and when I originally saw advertising, I was genuinely excited to watch it. After sitting down and watching the first two episodes with my cousin, I decided that this show wasn't worth my time. I really tried to like this show, but the show is so fast paced, and the writing is so unfunny and forced, it feels like a hole is being drilled into my head. I have not watched past episode two, so maybe it gets better, but I am not at all counting on it.

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