
IMDb member since August 2023
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    IMDb Member
    9 months



Romanticizing p0rn is not the way to go
Netflix is appearing to have a pattern with the new shows it has been pushing, first with the p0rnhub one that essentially minimized all the wrong the company ever did, and now this. It paints a completely glamorized version of what ut truly is, which speaks volumes considering these shows do show some of the wrong that goes on, just not nearly enough. Ultimately the show is not extremely explicit, it just makes it obvious that the producers have a very specific goal, which is to hide the truth from the average person and promote a lie to absolve them from the consequences of what they are doing wrong.

You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

Not sure how I felt about this movie
As a teen this movie was an uncomfortable watch. Although i definitely agree that kids are becoming way too invested in topics they shouldnt such are trying too hard to be attractive (which was shown throughout the movie) it was not discouraged or even criticized, which should have been a point the movie addresses if its gonna be included. Adam Sandler movie humor when the movie features adults feels different to when the movie features kids. Some of the scenes were over the top or not really age appropriate. The message was great however there were some scenes that conflicted with the message or really were unnecessary and provided no entertainment value. Otherwise, Sunny Sandler did great with her lead role and would definitely give other movies a try.

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