
IMDb member since August 2023
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    9 months


You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

Cute little movie
It's a cute little movie that i sbviously made for the younger crowd.

I love the fact this is truly a family film, Adam Sandler, his beautiful wife, and two daughters.

The clothing is modest. I don't recall hearing any foul langauge. Yeah, there is some crude Sandler style humor but not outragous.

Sandler's daughters are cute as can be and actually have some talent. Granted it will grow with time and training. It will be fun to watch them grow.

I can't pretend to understand the concept of such a great expense of a party at that age, but then again I don't understand the concept of expensive weddings. So what do I know?

Sit back. Enjoy the show. Learn a bit about the Jewish religion and watch the struggles of a young teenage girl navigating hte world and a father's equally painful struggle with watching his little girls grow up.

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