
IMDb member since April 2002
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The Constant Gardener

Powerful, beautiful, moving
I saw it at a screening recently and was drawn into this great film from the very opening shot. The director does a great job of telling a complex story in an interesting way. His pace and visual technique kept the film moving in a languid yet urgent way (I say this because I remember thinking that there were very few quick cuts in the film, yet I never felt the "drag" that is usually associated with bad pacing). The cast was first rate and the script gave them lots to work with. Mr. Fiennes will likely get an Oscar nod for his performance, it reminded me of his great work in "The English Patient". Rachel Weisz was great too, but I felt she didn't get enough screen time to truly show off her talents.

I hope it reaches a wide audience.

Matando Cabos

Clever Fun
Good characters, well paced, with a tight script full of twist and well placed turns. People will often dismiss any movie that is well crafted by comparing it to another movie that's well crafted. In this case I felt like it was more of a good thing instead of "more of the same", sort of like getting a second helping of something great. The movie does build it's central premise (a series of wild coincidences, characters that are larger than life, the fast paced-all in one night action) on other movies that feature similar elements (Snatch, Pulp Fiction, etc) but because the situations and characters are unique I did not feel ripped off. Overall I found this film to be very entertaining. I saw it at Sundance this year (2005). I hope it comes out in the US, I would recommend it to anybody that like to be entertained.

Whale Rider

Like plugin into someone else's head and watching their dreams, this movie is the reason why movies were invented. There is not guns, no explosions, no big name stars, none of the stuff we have come to expect from "big movies", yet this movie is as big as a movie can get. Let's hope it makes a bit of money so we can see more movies like this, it was a joy to spend my hard earned $11.00 on this beautiful movie.

Y tu mamá también

Dreamy, well shot, well told story.
Like a cross between "Kids" & "The Insider", this movie tells what would seem to be a conventional & overplayed story, the coming of age road trip, but turns it on it's head by being ulta-realistic yet fantastic in it's approach to the material.

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