
IMDb member since October 2007
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Død snø

Seen " Dead Snow AKA Død snø " at CPH:PIX film festival
Zombies, every horror fans loves them, right? Nazi zombies, sounds even better, right? Nazi Zombies in Norwegian mountains sounds even much better, right? Well, in one way this film delivers - the zombies, the nazies and the gore but to my biggest surprise and I know this is a "just" a horror movie but originality and characters take a back seat here which is makes it all feel very stale.

The movie has some very fun moments, the girl and the fat guy on the toilet seat is very repulsively funny...ICK!! But the house in the middle of nowhere and zombies trying to eat you is so so old now, I founnd myself getting very bored. The scenery is lovely with mountains of snow, but characters are so bland and boring, couldn't careless about them. There is no plot to speak of, why not? If they spent more time on the script and the characters than with the gory sequences, it would of helped.

Now I'll end on a positive note, the stitching up of the sliced neck scene was wonderful, great job effects guy! I just hope the film-makers who made this come up with an original story and characters next time, because us paying audiences are not Braindead! (sorry for the pun)

Synecdoche, New York

Seen "Synecdoche, New York" at CPH:PIX film festival
Wow. I was fearin seeing this movie because I loved adaptation so much and thought I would get disappointed. But boy oh boy was I wrong and did I enjoy it. This is Kaufmans first movie being a director. This is a great character study of man in great pain inside.

A great study on writers and the characters they play and maybe on life? OK, thats taking it too far, but it was moving stuff! Philip S Hoffmann is the greatest actor of the modern generation so i was expecting a brilliant perfromance and was not let down, hmmm, maybe he even played it too subtle, am, no, I liked it!!!

The movie has some woderfully weird moments, that some dudes might think is pretesious but I just love - like reading a book out loaud on the plane and it happening as he read its. Love those kind of scenes! The movie is downbeat and quite depressing but hey most of Kaufmans films are like this in one way or another, this was along film, but not many fell asleep and were glued to his wonderfully quirky story of a strange egotistical auther. the ending came out of no where, i was wondering how they would end it and I found it very very well done -open to opinion, how i like it. Recommend to catch on the big screen. powerful!

No Right Turn

Seen "No right turn" at CPH:PIX film festival
The film weirdly unfolds firstly like a Japanese horror with a naked chick playing Russian rolulette in a bath but then morphes into a strange drama/film noir character movie. I dug the main charcacter "Johnny", his is one goofy silly dude, he tries to be cool and he is hilariously bad at it, example: he motors around in a tiny bike-cum-hairdryer looking thingy, all very silly in a red helmut with tissue up his nose! What a goof ball! Why not a harley davidsen probably too cool for him but its amusing. The girl actors are real sexy and the acting by all is surprisingly very sharp for a low budget flick like this. Admittedly, I for one was a little confused about the point of the writer guy who lived in a train carraige thingy until the very end when all is revealed -a nice touch.

This flick has cult written all over it, with its weird colorful characters and strange settings, you get: booze, narcotics, dreams, f-bombs, c-bombs, lots of sex (lesbians, hand jobs, fetish -I think?!) not extremely explicit but enough to make you go..gulp! So not for the kids, very adult. I wont mention about Johnny's liver on the nose, yes liver (!) during sex, look, I hate eating that stuff so -one word, yikes!

It gets quite downbeat near the middle but there a little dramatic blood thrown in near the end of the movie, an appendage gets blown straight off which is one of the funniest scenes of the whole movie, this scene was worth the price of admission alone, -absurdly funny.

So this is as indie and offbeat as they come, not for everyones pallete I did see, you will like it if your into dark humor stuff. Oh, by the way the pictures on display were quite beautiful and stunning, shot like a big Hollywood production, another bonus, who says low budget=ugly? This flick has some amazing pictures, see it if you can, quite different.


Great cinematography!
Like everyone else, I loved the look of this movie. Beautiful, very artistic, Black and White shots were a joy to behold.

The story was good too, riveting in parts, although kind of predictable, well if you were a fan of Joy division, you know the story. LOL.

Not the Savior of British cinema as everyone is making it out to be.

But sumptuous (sp?) visuals, and some good acting elevates this above the average movie, what more do you want?

Well worth seeing, but don't expect a ground-breaking film and you will enjoy it immensely.

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