
IMDb member since September 2023
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Mavka. The Forest Song

Isn't it too stereotype
I think these types of animations are overrated!!

Love saving everything, the princess that needs a prince to help her with her kingdom??

I would never let my daughter see these stuff and believe that she can be fooled by a guy just in the hope that one day love will save her life...!!

Also Human has always ruined jugles and everything, our musical instruments are made with woods and I'm not sure the nature appreciates it.

Anyway it's too stereotype and it has a weak movie plot, It wasn't worthy of my time.

The story exactly like all the old animations but it's weaker than them.

How can a strong person with all those powers be so fool and selfish? Just because she loves the boy she puts everyone in such danger just because she's a girl she has to be so foolishly kind?

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