
IMDb member since September 2023
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(Porn) Industry
This show attempts to portray the cutthroat world of young quantitative analysts (quants) vying for permanent positions in an investment bank. However, it misses the mark entirely. Instead of depicting the intellectual challenges and high-pressure environment, it relies on clichés and the show's lack of originality is complemented with at least 10 scenes of soft porn . The plot feels like a high school drama with a thin veneer of finance, throwing around financial jargon without any real understanding of the industry. Gratuitous sex scenes and drug use replace any meaningful exploration of the characters' struggles. Ultimately, Industry fails to capture the essence of the financial and their own characters, instead presenting a shallow and forgettable mash-up of Euphoria, Wolf of Wall Street, and some weird reincarnation of Capital City.

Mano de hierro

Iron deficiency
The TV series in question is nothing but a chaotic mishmash of gratuitous violence and graphic sexual content, seemingly designed to shock rather than tell a coherent story. From the very first episode, it becomes clear that the writers have little else in mind beyond throwing every taboo and shock value scene they can think of into each episode. The result is a non-stop barrage of outrageous characters-A voodoo/Santeria shaman, pirates, fight club pretenders. In short, nothing more than a mindless and forgettable sequence of fighting stunts and spontaneous sex scenes. One a positive note, you'll never feel like you missed something, since every scene feel the same.

3 Body Problem

3 Disembodiment Problem.
This series disembodied the book. So if you're seeking a faithful adaptation that captures the book's essence you might prefer the Chinese version.

Though armed with a higher production budget than the Chinese version, evident in the special effects, it comes at the cost of some plot details. In this retelling, there are more bodies to follow, too. In fact, this series adds 5 new characters who take on some of the roles originally filled by one character in the book. As I viewer I struggled to find them compelling enough or necessary. Maybe it is because I've read the book and seen enough of the Chinese version that makes me think that these writers had an opportunity to create a better adaptation. Overall, it is entertaining enough, but don't read the book before or if you have, keep an open mind.


This Vigil will not keep you awake.
The tv series aspires to be a high-stakes investigative drama, but the execution feels more like a drawn-out episode of NCIS. Don't expect mind-bending twists and turns. The characters follow a frustratingly predictable path, making illogical choices that constantly put them in danger. This constant dance with danger is getting old fast. Not to mentioned that this is the second series where the protagonist is pregnant and dodging bullets. This constant hero complex undermines any potential suspense, leaving the audience annoyed or sleepy rather than on the edge of their seats. However, if you're willing to overlook the outrageous plot and have it on as background noise while doing chores, well, that's a vigil of its own.

The Gentlemen

The Gentle-meh
Guy Ritchie's signature brand of frenetic crime comedy gets a half-hearted adaptation in "The Gentlemen" TV series. While it captures the director's fondness for fast cuts and a splashy underworld, the format struggles to sustain the frenetic energy that worked for Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.

The story follows a newly minted Duke who inherits a family estate, only to discover a hidden marijuana operation. Thrust into the criminal world, he must navigate shady characters and rescue his bumbling brother from a local gang's clutches. However, the series falls into a repetitive cycle of rescue missions, lacking the clever twists and unexpected turns that make a tv series entertaining.

While classic Ritchie capers often feature inept and bumbling criminals, "The Gentlemen" doesn't fully utilize this comedic potential or tries to renew this form comedic relief. The constant rescue missions of his inept brother feels like a retread, leaving viewers with a sense of "seen it before", and "there we go again." Ultimately, the show prioritizes style over substance, relying on flash over fresh ideas. And I might add, this is an old style.

In short, "The Gentlemen" joins the ranks of forgettable crime comedies, failing to deliver the innovative approach or memorable characters that would truly set it apart.

Fargo: Blanket
Episode 8, Season 5

Far gone blank
In this episode be prepared to plunge headfirst into a visual pool of the absurdity. Don't expect logical plot threads or character motivations - instead, embrace the absurdity as characters pirouette through gratuitous violence and decisions that defy all understanding. You wait for a plot twist, but it never comes. Each episode has been more of the same. While it's expected that Fargo would have moments of strange and dark humor, this episode feels like it was lazily written by a hallucination AI. Fargo's embrace of the unconventional shouldn't excuse lazy writing, for even nonsensical stories deserve good plots, not an incoherent scribble.

Superman & Lois

Superman & Super boring.
I was expecting Superman & Lois to be a more entertaining show. A little silly but not boring. I was disappointed to find that each episode is full of stories that have been done many times before.

1. the villain takes over Superman's mind. This is a story that has been done countless times. In another episode, one of Superman's kids takes a substance that gives them superpowers. Jeez. Never seen that before. If the writers are adding kids and wife, why not add more original episodes?

I also found it strange that in one episode Lois is surprised and disbelieves about a portal to another world. She not only is living with Superman, but hosting someone from another world!

Liebes Kind

Just Another Detective Show. Boring.
This show is a generic cop drama with all the typical tropes: unhinged detectives, drug problems, and convoluted plots.

There are also several scenes that make no logical sense. For example, the police know that the field is booby-trapped, but they neglect to check the house where the children were being held captive.

In another scene, a detective chases a suspect in an RV without calling for backup. Why? And Why again. Seen this plot a million times.

Just before that chase, one of the main characters sneaks out to meet the kidnapper in the RV. This is even more puzzling, as the house has been under police watch. Wow, did not see that coming! And why did she think it was a better plan to kill the kidnapper herself than to alert the police?

Overall, you will see nothing new. I.

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