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I watched it the other day and thought this is going to be a great comedy but I was soon absolutely disappointed. The film is based on a true story hence the reason it was a promising script. However, the true story is totally wasted because of the stupid dialogues, boring slow-mos and poor acting. To some extend the acting was absolutely terrible particularly Ed's wife. After 1/3 of the movie I had the idea to stop the torture but went on watching because I thought this can't get any worse than this.The boredom never ended! In a nutshell, a forgettable, boring comedy.

Selam: Bahara Yolculuk

This is how you shape the future. One of the incredible stories about 'The Gulen Movement (Hizmet)'
The timing of Selam:Bahara Yolculuk was just terrific if you ask me. This film made the cinema goers incredibly happy, totally relieved. The reason why they feel so delighted is because of the awfully socio-political period the Turkish people have been going through. The recent appalling hatred-based speeches by the ruling party caused a lot of polarization among people, widened the gap, damaged the peace- making bridges and harmed people mentally. The Gov't dishonored a lot of 'Hizmet-followers', besmirched their opinion and called them (the most patriotic and peaceful people) liars. Surely that was an outrageous slander! Particularly at this point, this film became medical.

The first Selam film was shot in three different countries and focused on three different stories. Actually all events in those countries were more or less the same thing. It depicted the difficult lives of three different teachers who had to struggle with the hardship of their lives in foreign cultures they were living in. Unlike the first film Selam: Bahara Yolculuk is based on only one touching story. An amazing story of a family, its commitment and success to establish a school in a godforsaken place in Kyrgyzstan.

Like the first part of Selam, all the facts and events are completely based on a true story. The places, the knotty problems, the misery, the pitiable situation of the family and the family's devotion are reflected to the big screen nicely. Of course it isn't a documentary film about a family's survival story. On the contrary, this film's got an extremely compelling story, superbly crafted by Hamdi Alkan, the director.

Even though it is a film that actually introduces the audience ''The Gulen Movement (Hizmet)'', but all film fans would like it whether they have some preliminary information about ''Hizmet'' or not. For instance, Fethullah Gulen's humble abode, the '5.floor' in Altunizade Istanbul is shown in the very beginning of the film. It is a well- known place for the 'Hizmet' followers, yet, it might have never been heard from many people in Turkey. But it really doesn't matter. Everybody enjoys it. It's just not these parts which make you the most amazed, it's honestly the whole movie. Hence the reason I give full marks to Hamdi Alkan for directing a film which made me (a Hizmet follower) and everybody else feel touched.

There's just one little hair in the soup. The acting isn't one of the best thing in the movie. The performances aren't Oscar-winning enough however the main Turkish and Kyrgyz characters are impressive. I only had problem with the background cast with minor roles but all in all I can tell I saw a decent acting from the actors.

Just imagine, well-educated youngsters who gave their words, their promises, their sacred vows on the 5.floor to Allah the Almighty in front of Fethullah Gulen. Gulen's advice is greatly valued by his lovers/followers and these young men with great sight gave their words to travel anywhere 'fate' is going to appoint them, gave their promises to do nothing but goodness for humanity regardless their religion/language/color/culture, gave their sacred vows not to gain anything, not to ask anything in return, not to follow their desires but work for others and live for others and establish moral values in the entire world. These young Anatolian people have the heart to make people to get to know each other better and establish bridges of dialog. Imagine that! What I'm going to say is that Hamdi Alkan manages to squeeze all the significant aspects of 'Hizmet' delicately in a 126-minute-film, which is why this film is so exceptional.

During the entire movie you witness the heroic sacrifice, heart- wrenchingly sad moments, and tearful commitments. Let me get this straight, you travel to a godforsaken country where there's no infrastructure, left abandoned after Soviet Union's collapse, where there's famine, even the dwellers hate to live there. They question the teacher's good intention, asking like 'now what in the creation would you want up at this place fella?' One of the touching scenes is that when the small child spends his time playing with insects instead of toys or friends. Or the altruistic mother who has been diagnosed with brain tumor, delays her surgery so that she doesn't cause further delay of the construction of an old school building. And the dialog with the doctor will definitely bring tears in your eyes and make your pulse beat thickly in your throat. She asks the mother, quote: ''What can be more important than your health?'' I can't shake that line! I wouldn't wish it on anyone but these are only two samples to make you feel what these great people have been through.

I'd also like to add that one of the memorable moments you will see are, that even the simplest chores we do in our daily lives, become impossible to do. We are talking here about the 90's, not the 30's. The circumstances were far from ideal but…there were no complaints!

Well, all the above-mentioned samples might sound nothing but fairy tales to most of us. However these are facts. And Hamdi Alkan, the director, without doubt succeeded pointing out these commitments in his film. It's just so very well written and the reality that is shown in this film is very well done and makes you cry. These scenes become totally heart-rending with the powerful theme music that leaves you inspired, touched, amazed.

To put it in a nutshell, the story of 'Hizmet' is suffering, self- sacrificing, caring, loving, educating, building bridges, establishing harmonious relationships and commitments. I'm sure 'The Gulen Movement' entails a lot of stories. There are hundreds of real life stories waiting for writers to publish them in their books, for film-makers to make film. I believe even the Hollywood directors who harbor no ill will against Muslims or 'Hizmet' will one day produce films based on 'The Gulen Movement'.

Yes Man

The worst Jim Carrey film
Say Nod to Yes Man. OK, it's got a message, perhaps depth to some people but where's the fun ? Where the big laugh out loud moments ? I didn't see any ? Not a funny film. On the contrary, a yawn to Yes Man. Don't go to the cinemas, wait for the DVD. This movie's just awful. Bad acting, annoying dialogs and little fun.

I miss the old funny Jim Carrey. The worst Jim Carrey film in my eyes. I wish I hadn't seen this film. A huge disappointment for me. Was expecting at least couple of laughs during the film. Don't waste your money on this, watch something else.

There's nothing positive to write about Yes Man.

Frozen River

A great little movie
So, I watched this movie the other day and thought it was absolutely moving and inspiring. This is a different type of thriller where you see no big chases scenes, no crash-boom-bang, no typical heroes, no CIA chasing the baddie, no action-packed fast moment sort something. It's def. Not a big film with well-known cast and crew . Instead, it's a small movie with a good story, very well acted, nicely shot and surely worth watching. Furthermore, the cinematography is excellent and screenplay is really original (hope the Oscar in this category goes to Frozen River, even though I like Wall-E so much). Personally I love this kind of thrillers. A thriller that is not based on actions, I mean, you don't see the action/thrill on the screen, you FEEL it. It's in you. You feel you heart hammers faster and it gives you sort of fright, too. There where scenes I really felt the awe and the fright in me. Amazing. Other than that, during watching Frozen River reminded me a lot of times of Fargo. Like Fargo or Smoke, this is a simple story told in a great way, police is looking for the baddie(well not in Smoke), shot in winter etc. Beside that, the poverty and a family that is trying to get both end meet resembles the struggling family "In America(2002)". This is what I saw during the viewing. Shortly, Frozen River is unfortunately a rare genre we don't see it every year on the big screens. True to life, true to people, true to emotion. A great little movie.

Kung Fu Panda

Perfect !
I have just seen Kung Fu Panda and I thought it was brilliant. Never seen this type of flick before. Excellent story, very impressive mystical music (reminded me of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), a lot of magic, martial arts (can I use this term for this film ?)are blended, great fighting scenes and funny moments. Fighting over a cookie was amazing ! When you watch this film you'll understand what I mean. The end is unpredictable and has a very pleasing finish.

This film's as different and unique as Cars or Shrek or Ratatoille when they came out. I was thoroughly entertained. I loved this movie. It's a must-buy DVD for your collection.


Recep Ivedik

if you like the comedy character Recep Ivedik you will like this film
First off, there's one point that I'd like to make is that what did you the watchers expect from this film ?? You expected a top comedy ? You honestly thought that this would be the funniest Turkish comedy ever ? If you go to see this flick with huge hopes and have huge expectations, then this film might disappoint you hugely. If you expect the best Turkish comedy, your hopes might get shattered. Keep this in mind when going to see this film.

As we know the funny character from previous TV shows, the pranks and the funny dialogs were predictable. Nothing new of course what we see! Hence I don't understand why the viewers moan about this comedy!! They should have known better if you ask me. However, I can say that if you like the comedy character Recep Ivedik you will like this film as well. Worth seeing, really it is, honest I think so. This film's served its purpose in my opinion. Some of the scenes are hilarious, I laughed really hard at some gags, couldn't stop laughing at some absurd dialogs,too. It's not that you nearly die of laughter or laugh out loud all the way through out. But this comedy film has a lot of giggle moments. OK, even though it's got not a clever story-line, and the plot might be dull but like most comedies I was entertained but not to the point of laughing out loud , but it was still entertaining for me. Unfortunately, towards the end, everything is done badly, like in Turkish comedies nowadays!

Sahan Gokbakar (Recep Ivedik) is superb in the film. To tell the truth I was glad that the character Recep Ivedik played the role as we know him from his TV shows. Nothing new was added to the role which I found cool. Other than that, the bellboy Komi and the lorry driver are really annoying, but Sahan Gokbakar (Recep Ivedik) and Tulug Cizgen (Sibel's mother) save the film.

To sum up, I can say that that Sahan Gokbakar fans would like this, however as with most comedy films which stem from an hour TV show, you do get a lot of problems, you can tell that it has been overstretched and gags that look good on TV don't always have the same effect on the big screen. As above-mentioned, it's not the best Turkish comedy flick in the world but then again it really doesn't deserve all the bad comments. It might not be great for some viewers but to say that this film was really p*** poor, and try to trash this funny film is not fair. I don't think much of the critics anyway but give this film a chance.


love it, love it, love it. I LOVE IT !!
It is important to me because this wonderful film is filled with thought provoking dialogs, and a very good story, amazing cast, great characters, with wonderful depth of feelings.

This movie is a slow paced film , this is a quiet film that works, and that works very well. The movie is a little slow at times you may think, and indeed it is, but it really hooks you in and keeps you watching. A brilliant flick that relies more on simple, character-driven plot than action and crash-boom-bang. SMOKE is not a real adventure, not a real drama, not a real comedy, not a real cops movie, and not a real action movie as well. It's about life. But in a real way, and surprisingly not boring.

I have seen it many times and keep watching it because I love its celebration of the simple pleasures of life: friendships, good conversation and normal human relations. Smoke is not a complex or experimental film, just a beautiful and simple portrayal of humanity. Nothing more nothing less. This is an actors movie, and they all do an incredible job.

Best bit for me : I especially love the Christmas sequence at the end where the film reaches a sublime conclusion in a tender Christmas story narrated by Keitel and supported by Tom Waits' haunting song "Innocent When You Dream". I love this bit. Makes me cry like a girl. So moving, so touching, so heartwarming, so bitter-sweet.

Watch this movie, watch it carefully. It has great characters, a great script, played by a flawless cast, and no doubt it is beautifully directed. Beautiful, beautiful movie. Unmissable ! "Smoke" is/was truly one of the best movies of 90's. I would recommend this film to people of all ages. I'm impressed. You will be impressed. And, oh yes, the Christmas STORY at the end WILL MAKE YOU CRY !!


Disturbia disturbs suspense film fans
Disturbia disturbs suspense film fans Kale a teenager, loses his father in a horrifying accident on the trip back home after fishing together. The accident is one of the greatest car crash scenes ever IMO. Superbly shot. Back to the topic : This accident disturbs Kale -Shia LaBeouf-. This terrible incident has after-effects on Kale even a year later. This is one of the reasons why he loses concentration in his Spanish class and is embarrassed by his teacher, who goads him about his father. Kale gets put on house arrest after punching his Spanish teacher in class. This is the moment where the film starts actually. So far so good. I didn't like the rest of it to the end.

He's got a distant relation to his mother, doesn't get on well with her. His only one close friend Ronnie comes by sometimes, plus Kale finds his days at home becoming increasingly boring.Under house arrest, he begins to learn the secrets of everyone surrounding him through the use of binoculars and video cameras. Spying on his neighbors throughout the day and night. And that's it to be honest. Only the finishing minutes are pretty exciting and thrilling. There are only a couple of "shock" moments and sudden jumps. Other than this, nothing original, nothing interesting and most of all nothing suspenseful.

I had expected a more exciting, and suspenseful film to tell you the truth. Once he meets the beautiful neighbor girl Ashley -Sarah Roemer- the film takes a u turn. You become a witness of teenage lust fest, which makes you think "am I in the right film ?". Like most of the teen movies, there are way too many shots of the "hot" girl next door doing Yoga, slow-mo swimming, sun bathing.

David Morse's character was the only good thing to watch in this film. David Morse, who plays the serial killer, as Mr. Turner in the film is excellent IMO.

One of the bad sides is that there are parts you simply find them unrealistic. Like, when Kale claimed that his neighbor Mr. Turner kidnapped his friend Ronnie -Aaron Yoo- , and when the police didn't believe him and brought Kale back home. I wanna know "why the hell didn't they call Ronnie to check out where he is" ??? Why not ? Plus, when they get away with the murderer Mr. Turner which happens towards the end of the film, Kale tells his girlfriend to call the cops. However it took ages the police to show up immediately.

In brief, this is a predictable, unrealistic and a fair movie that isn't't very suspenseful at all. I don't know how many of you have seen "Above Suspicion (1995)" with Christopher Reeve in it ?? "Above Suspicion" is great. I tend to think that Disturbia tried create a great suspenseful film like "Above Suspicion" but failed completely. For the guys who haven't seen "Above Suspicion" should rent and check this film asap. No no no wait. Don't make haste. To watch "Above Suspicion" before Disturbia may spoil the film. I'd suggest you watch Disturbia first and then "Above Suspicion". I bet you'll be on my side after checking both films out.

The Hills Have Eyes II

All in all an enjoyable flick
Starts fast and pretty awesome. Awesome, here, disturbing, thrilling and horrendous. I'd give 10/10 for the 15 minute startup. Just Perfect.

Then, after the appearance of the American group of military trainees in the desert to check in the area the film goes downhill. The area big search begins. However, the national guard trainees sucked. Boring dialogs, classic army actions from war films plus tons of cussing and swearing among soldiers.

Besides, a lot of plot holes, there are so many questions I'd love to ask and so many senseless scenes I'd love to share with you to inform you how stupid the soldiers are. This movie is so full of idiocy that it doesn't make any sense, really. One of the "yeah-I-was-wondering-that-too" scenes is, why oh why doesn't the "great" American army send simply a helicopter for searching the area Sector 16. They could have saved time and human life ?! Additionally, when the sergeant was shot by accident and dies, do you remember ? Don't these guys wear protective vests or bullet-proof vests ??? He was shot in the chest ! So ??!! These guard trainees looked like unexperienced bunch of soldiers. Plus, you know, the guy who crawled out of the sh**house is just stuff and nonsense. He dies outside soon after he'd been rescued. How the hell did he survive inside the sh**house for so long then ? Doesn't make sense. And many more. I tend to think that these flaws lost the fear factor in this film.

However, despite the previous crappy moments, towards the end it got so f***ing disgusting, brutal death scenes to make you cringe, cool gore if you like. If you are a guy who was looking for blood, and gore I must say that it delivers what you were looking for then. A lot of gore, blood and action, with some funny moments as well, like, I laughed all the way through out while the woman –who was raped before- was hammering the mutant rapers balls and private parts with sledgehammer.

All in all enjoyable, though a bit scary. It was full of horrendous scenes and shocking moments.

Hostel: Part II

Not great but better than the first part.
Contains Spoilers Saw it yesterday and I thought it was not great but pretty enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised.

I don't know how to write a review, I'm terrible at it but wanna share how I think about this gore flick.

First up, I didn't like the first part. After the big hype for the first part I had expected a lot but nothing was. I hated Hostel 1. Lemme tell you this before I begin to write my short review; I don't consider Hostel: Part II as a horror film. Having said that Hostel II is a bad horror flick, but is an enjoyable thriller imo if you look from that angle.

The film starts off from where the first movie ended. Again we find a group of kids going to the infamous Slovakian Hostel. But this time no boys, we have a bunch of sexy girls instead. Meeting on the train bla bla bla. I hated the girls though ( frankly said, I hate most of the actresses in horror films). For me very childish, girlish, annoying and slut-ish. AS for the story, it offers nothing original. Like many cheap horror films, there is no plot, the story was flawed. Moreover, it has a boring, silly and brainless plot, too. The beginning of the film dragged a bit but I liked the end though. Very surprising end for me.

After the half, towards the end it got better, and incredibly violent and sadistic. From enjoying torture, to having "bloody" shower J , and I mean "bloody shower". A blood bath under a hanging and bleeding body ! There are some extreme scenes that made me smirk. Yes, the extremity is sort of funny. This and other bloody scenes reminded me of Kill Bill Vol.1. I assume you know what I mean. Typical Tarantino bloodbath.

Despite the stupid plot, annoying girls I enjoyed this flick. It scared me emotionally as well to tell you the truth. Is it worth seeing it in the cinema ? Hmmm, yes ! Go and watch this film.


Smokin' Aces

I'm hugely disappointed !
I watched this film the other night and thought it was pretty awful. Frankly, I must say I'm glad that I'm not alone who thinks this film sucked. This film had little originality and sucked hell. Yes this film sucked ! Predictable scenes and plot( couldn't help myself thinking "I watched this film before!"), poor acting from most of the cast, no emotion. Alicia Keys and Ben Affleck in the same film ? Come the f*** on ! What was the director thinking ? Both were absolutely f****** terrible ! More than that, camera work wasn't the best I've ever seen. Half the time you couldn't see what going on. Flashed by so quickly ! The only plus in this film is some action scenes and special effects.

I can credit that Smokin' Aces has Tarantino and Guy Richie influence. Honestly this films compared to Snatch, Lock, Stock or The Departed next to nothing. If I hadn't seen Tarantino, Guy Richie films before I might have liked it.


Dabbe is truly a great Turkish horror film
Dabbe is truly a great Turkish horror film. As good as Hollywood-horror-flicks, even better. A f******-freaky Turkish horror film ! This film gave me a f****** fright. It truly scares your **** off, no doubt about it. I don't know what other people are talking about when they say it was stupid or bad or have other negative things to say...It is definitely not a sloppy piece of work and I think it served it's purpose very well.

This is a Turkish horror flick my brother persuaded me to check it out. I had and still have pure prejudice to Turkish films. I am biased when it comes to Turkish movies. And my brother was recommending " a horror film" ! A Turkish horror !!! We Turks can't even shoot a proper thriller let alone a horror. Well after a lot of persuasion I agreed to watch Dabbe with him.In the end I was fascinated by this film, actually I was scared stiff to tell you the truth.

Dabbe scared the sh** out of me like no other horror flick in the last years. Gives me goosebumps even when I write the name of the film. You should look at my arms, just thinking about the film has just given me the gooses. Absolutely hair-raising and freaking film. This is freaky I'm telling you that mates. It is so freaky. One of the freakiest I've ever seen.

I went to a DVDshop the next day to get this film. I was glad to see that this DVD also featured English subtitles, so I can show it to others as well. If you can order please do feel generous and get this film. It's truly great. I can guarantee that this horror film is going to make the hairs on your neck stand on end.

Visual effects as well as the well-thought story is pretty satisfying. There are tons of spooky moments, freaky voices and lots of jumpy scenes. The creepy voices and terrifying screams are perfectly done and make your hair stand on end. The only drawback and bad side of this flick is that the actors' weak performances. The acting was unfortunately not as good as the film in my humble opinion. However, it's worth watching. Perhaps it won't be the scariest horror film of all time for some of you but it will definitely make you shiver.

So, if you fancy demons, gins (djin), beings beyond comprehension, spiritual substances/beings, mental and psychological type of horror films this one's just for you then. Don't miss it out.

La marche de l'empereur

Simply Amazing
One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's an excellent documentary with breath-taking moments, amazing views and wonderful chicks. I hugely recommend it.

This documentary film starts off with delightful shots and strokes your soul from the very first moment. The brilliance in shooting, filming story-telling never makes you feel bored. This film is so spectacular that makes you laugh, smile and even makes you feel sad at times. To my surprise,(I had not known) it's narrated by Morgan Freeman, which makes this documentary more watchable.

Besides, now I know why the academy awarded this lovely documentary with an Oscar. It surely deserves all compliments and praises. Well done folks. Hopefully giving this film an Oscar may encourage new doc-film makers. Hope this type of documentaries will be filmed in the future.



Were the Israilis who caused real terror ?
After the "War Of The Worlds" disappointment - my opinion- we meet "Munich" made again by one of the Hollywood's genius directors. This time we encounter an austere and a thought-provoking theme; the unending conflict and struggle between Israelis and Palastanians. This film really fastens you to the plot and events and it makes you think hard who's side to support or blame. What's the message behind "Munich" ? Were the Israilis who caused real terror ? "Forget the peace now, we must show them that we are strong and so on. (If so the Jew community might get angry.)Or the same old story where the blame is put on blood-thirsty Palastinians ? The time when Avner (Eric Bana) goes through the depressing cycle SS points out that Avner is questioning his assignment. Or does SS puts forth that the Isrealis are also human beings with emotions and sentiments like the everybody else and that they must/had to react when they are terrorized and attacked ? Or SS wants us to go home after seeing his latest masterwork and go over the events once more in our thoughts. This film certainly needs another viewing to perceive the message here. And because of the contemporary theme, it certainly is -imo- the kind of flick you'll watch it over and over. "Oh, we are tragic men. Butcher's hands, gentle souls" is one of the devastating statements needs to be read between the lines.

I wasn't even born when this unfortunate event occurred in the Olympics in 1972. I liked the film very much. Surely a must-get-the-DVD flick. Great acting, flawless similitude and depiction of 70's. This film's absolutely a striker ! I'm glad Empire gave "Munich" 5 stars. It deserves all the stars it got.

Organize Isler

Below average........
I've seen this film the other day and thought wasn't as good as I'd expected. Luckily I didn't go into this movie with very high hopes. Therefore didn't come out quite disappointed. If I'd gone with huge hopes I'd have been immensely disappointed. I don't think anyone really doubted this, but Yilmaz Erdogan hasn't come up with a winner again.

Now, Yilmaz Erdogan fans will hate me for this but I hate the fact that so many people think Organize Isler is a 'perfect' 'flawless' flick because it really isn't. Yilmaz Erdogan was fine as was the rest of the cast to be honest. The acting was very good from everyone, no complaints there.

A problem was that these bunch of shysters live in the middle of Istanbul , obviously for years, and heck no police notices it! My next biggest problem was the way they cheat the people. Come on folks, where do you live ? Aside from these, there were a few other smaller problems too. The Istanbul-shooting from the air, and all the Istanbul-helicopter-tours from the sky was cool at first but dragged on for too long for me. After every scene, being up again in the air sucked really.

Other than this, unfortunately, this film lacks of plot, and the most abrupt ending ever. This film doesn't have any new ideas whatsoever. The story could have been better. Neither thrill nor excitement during the film. No really laughed-my-socks-off moments. Definitely lacks the humour we had expected. What the hell ? You go out of the cinema and wonder "huh ? was it a comedy I've just seen ? or an action flick ? crime ? what !" Yea comedy, then why can't I remember any memorable laugh-out-moments ? OK there were some, but nothing that really stuck in the mind.

Too bad these kind of movies make money anyway because of the director and the actors that are in it. Below average........ 4/10

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