
IMDb member since October 2007
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Into the Blue 2: The Reef

not bad
i thought i would give this movie a chance because i must admit i really enjoyed the first. i went in with my expectations low and after the viewing i must admit i was'nt sorry. this movie is just OK. into the blue 1 was pretty good so a sequel was hard to do. the story was fine if not a little outdated and the acting was fine apart from a few silly actors letting the side down.

as u can probably tell there is not a lot to write about this apart from that if you enjoyed the first 1 then you will probably enjoy this as well...just not as much.

give it a try and let me know if my rating of fair or unfair;)

Frame of Mind

a pleasant surprise
frame of mind is good. its a b movie but don't let that put you off. the acting has its ups and downs but i would say more ups. when i saw the plot description on IMDb i thought "god no not another kennedy film" well i got a pleasant surprise it had me interested the whole movie through, the idea is good and quiet possible and believable and for a subject matter that has been done time and time again i think it was a brave movie to attempt.

i consider myself a harsh critic of bad quality b movies and very rarely comment on this site but i think this movie apart from some of the acting flaws and low budget, had a lot of heart...hope you enjoy.


ehhhmm did u guys actually see this movie?
i could'nt wait to see this and finally did yesterday....

i'm a big fan of stallone and just cant understand how he accepted this script? i watched it with my girlfriend and we were so let down..yes the effects were good and the subject matter was shocking but it was just cliché after cliché and the director just could'nt make it work..

stallone of course carried the whole movie on his shoulders but that just was not enough i'm afraid..

i like to think i'm fair with giving a review because i know how much work goes into a movie and that of course we all have different tastes but guys and girls give this one a miss and try and forgive stallone for selling out for a huge paycheck making us fork out money to be let down..

i gave it a five for the subject matter and for stallone being present...

The Empty Acre

empty of everything
five minutes after watching this i logged on to IMDb to warn all of you out there not to bother with this movie... genre:horror? it had moments of mild suspense and throughout the whole movie i was thinking to myself "somethings gotta happen soon" it did not...when the movie ended i felt so embarrassed for the writer/director i've never been the biggest fan of patrick rea this guy just does not know how to make movies and after watching this sorry excuse of a horror flick i've gone from not been the biggest fan to will not watch another of his works..

i was taken in by the plot summary please don't make the same mistake.

i gave this movie a 2 for the actors..they were not bad and it wasn't there fault they got such bad direction...

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