
IMDb member since October 2007
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    16 years


George Lopez

pretty good actually!
when i saw commercials for this i was thinking "NO WHAT HAS NICK AT NITE DONE!" because it was taking up "fresh prince" slots. well, i still love the fresh prince. but george lopez is a surprisingly good show. i love how not-stereotypical benny is. carmen is a pretty good character, its really funny to see how stupid and overemotional she can be sometimes. i feel bad for the guy who plays max, he looks much younger then he actually is! but max is a fun character, and acted well. and yeah, angie is a little stereotypical, but she has her funny moments. ha ha george does have a big head! nah but he can be really good too. funny show! it definitely should be on more often then home improvement.

Life with Derek

all right
it has its good attributes and clear flaws. while the show is a Disney channel show and therefore destined to be stupid, this one is not awful. perhaps its the whole Canadian thing, i like how it brings something new to the pathetic Disney channel. i don't like how Casey is so "perfect" though, and frowns upon those who aren't "perfect" like she thinks she is. she also complains way too much. Marti and Lizzie annoy me as well. Marti sucks at being cute, she is really just a pain in the ass. and the whole "smarti and smerek" concept is stupid. i don't think the guy who plays Derek is good at delivering his lines. however, they wanted a cute guy to play Derek, and the guy they picked, though there is not much talent, is fairly cute. but when he smiles, i want to vomit. his smile is seriously ugly and it makes him look like a perverted bastard. Edwin is OK, but i don't like how nasally his voice is. and the parents are jokes, both the acting and the writing. however, even though this show is not funny, it can still be somewhat entertaining, and there is not many shows about a blended family out there. so good job there. and although i haven't seen the show much, i've seen enough to know that over the seasons, they've changed Casey from a "perfect" brainy girl to a "perfect" somewhat popular girl, when they should have picked one or the other. the way they could improve Casey is to bring that guy Noel from the musical episode back, he seems like her type. life with Derek is OK to watch if there is nothing else on and you don't have a good book handy.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

love it!
the fresh prince of bel air is definitely my favorite show on nick at nite. it's one of my favorite shows ever, actually. i love Carlton's nerdyness and his dumb lines such as "don't gt your panties in a bunch" or "why are we acting like people without trust funds" or "someone has their rude hat on today." and i LOVE the Carlton dance! Alfonso is perfect for this role. i also love Hilary's stupidity. Karyn is great at delivering Hilary's lines, and makes sure they are hysterical with her little stupid faces at the end. Karyn was also made for that role. Nicky is just the cutest little thing!!!!!!!! I'm sorry i don't know who played him, but whoever did is adorable in that role! i love the evil looks that Phil gives will when he's mad. James excels at that role, and even though Phil is not the funniest character, James makes Phil's funny moments more entertaining. Ashley is not one of my favorites, but she is still a likable character, and Tatyana is a talented actress. of course, will is hysterical, and although the character is a bit stereotypical, will smith has so much talent and cracks me up in plenty of episodes. and i like the theme song. the only reason that i gave this show nine stars in stead of ten is Vivian. her character is okay, i suppose. and i liked Daphne maxwell Reid as Vivian. but i really did not like Janet Hubart Whitten at all. she looks like an evil person that wants to conquer the free world, which sometimes scares the s*** out of me. and she's also seriously annoying. except for her, great show!

Home Improvement

this show disturbs me. it takes up slots on nick at nite that could be reserved for the fresh prince or George Lopez. even full house and Roseanne. they're all better than home improvement. first off, the mother Jill annoys me SO much. she is an oversensitive whiny baby and i really despise her. brad is a fat toad, and he is annoying too. and the youngest brother, i don't even know his name! i don't notice him at all! that's probably not the actor's fault though, it's probably the writers'. Tim is just a stupid ass. although Jill is DEFINITELY my least favorite, i don't like any of them. the only reason i gave this stupid show three stars is one star goes to randy. as the middle child, he is still a pesky little brother, but an older brother, and i like his fun character. the other star goes to Al. as the chubby friend, his character is likable. other than randy and Al, this show sucks.

America's Next Top Model

America's next top model is a good show, it helps people with their careers, but lately i have become bored with it.

cycle 1: yeah I'm happy Adrienne won, i wanted her to win from the beginning.

cycle 2: its too bad, i think Mercedes deserved it.

cycle 3: i did not like Eva, but i did not like most of the girls in this cycle.

cycle 4: Kahlen should have won. i don't know what they saw in Naima, but i definitely know what they saw in Kahlen.

cycle 5: like cycle 3, this was not a great cycle either. but out of all the girls, NICOLE as a winner? eww!

cycle 6: i liked Sara and Joanie, but Danielle is okay too.

cycle 7: Caridee definitely deserved it.

cycle 8: no, i didn't want Jaslene to win. i didn't like her. i saw other girls in that cycle with definitely more potential than her, although i did not see much of this cycle.

good show, I've just seen it too many times to like it much anymore :D


you know, a couple years ago, i liked this movie a lot. but then i watched it again about a month ago, out of boredom, and it's not really all its cracked up to be. i mean, yeah, the cast has good voices. but if you really think about it, aren't these characters supposed to be in their 20s? none of them looked that age except maybe the girl who played mimi. and also, some of it was stupid, like how angel and collins fell in love in about two days. pffftttt. im sorry to all you romantics out there, but that just does not happen. the only character that really seems realistic to me is mark, and he still needs tweaking. all in all, this movie is okay, but im not crazy about it.

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