
IMDb member since October 2023
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    7 months


Kikansha no Mahou wa Tokubetsu desu

An anime with one of the best story line
An anime based on the famous manwa, the manwa was really good and looking at how the first episode was animated and the voice actors things are looking up for the anime I really hope this anime catches the eye of people and they start watching it. And I guarantee ull be hooked from the 1st episode itself. It's a story of how the MC is a commoner but saves the world in the future and gets regressed to back when he enrolled in the academy and where he strives to correct his mistakes and save the people who cherished the most but couldn't save, it's a story filled with plot twists and epic story line so everyone do give it a watch.

P.s The current arc in the manhua is freaking epic can't wait for it to be animated.

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