
IMDb member since October 2007
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My Best Friend's Girl

Horrible, terrible, stupid movie
Don't waste your time. The trailers for this movie don't accurately advertise the content of this movie. The lead character is proud of his hobby where he helps other men show their sexual partners how bad it can be with other men being a major JERK (he uses another word) therefore making them look better. He has no morals at all and is consumed with having sex with as many women as possible along the way and saying and doing the most irreverent things possible to assume the role of the jerk. This should be no surprise with Dane Cook and Jason Biggs in the movie that it is filled with type of vulgarity, but the trailers certainly don't advertise it that way.

Lazer's Night Moves

Absolute crap
LAZËR, the notorious Speedo-clad rappers from Rhineland are back at it with the second smash hit from their debut album "Let Me Dance You".

This time, LAZËR brings their "sexy & danger" music to a honky-tonk bar somewhere in Texas, and with the help of ninja-guitarist Ice von Shredula, they have confused cowpokes and belligerent bikers learning to do the "Night Moves" whether they want to or not!

This is a music video and one of the worst ones I've ever seen. There's no story line and the "rappers" are horrible. The music is pitiful and the lyrics don't make any sense at all. It's like an SNL skit gone terribly bad.


Fantastic sound effects!
Usually the sound effects aren't the first thing that I notice in a movie, but they are superbly done in this movie. The acting and direction are great too, but the sound effects keep you on the edge of your seat. The suspenseful tones and the Foley artwork blend nicely with the story, yet are not overly obtrusive and noticeable. I'm not sure who did the sound effects on this movie, but I'll certainly be looking for more movies from this team in the future. The lighting and cinematography were also well done and the story and character development were also easy to follow and intriguing. I'm not sure why most people I know haven't seen this great movie yet.

Fall Down Dead

Editing is fabulous
Ordinarily the editing of a movie doesn't stand out as much as it should, but in this case it is so well done that the transitions are hardly noticed and one scene blends wonderfully into the next. Editing is such an unnoticed talent, but I'll certainly be searching for movies that were edited by the staff on this movie in the future.

The acting and the direction are also pretty decent in this movie, but it is the editing that really shines above everything else. Does anyone know who the editor was on this movie? If they had a better budget, there's no telling how good this movie would have turned out. Not many people have seen it as far as I know.

The Happening

I usually love Shyamalan's movies and I was looking forward to this one. He usually has such great plot twists that they're hard to figure out. This was a simple straightforward movie with every moment being predictable. Wahlberg was stone-faced and unemotional the whole time while people around him were dying. So much of this film was unbelievable people started laughing in the theater. Seriously, if people in Manhattan really thought they were being attacked by terrorists, there would be mass hysteria and people running like crazy through the streets. Everyone was slowly walking and didn't seem urgent about anything at all. Hope he does better next time.

The Middleman

Won't last
I just got through watching the pilot for this show and all it did was confuse me. The pace of the delivery of the lines was hard to get used to and I suspect it's not very appealing to most people. It's also very confusing why this is on the ABC Family Channel. There were at least three times I remember the main character Wendy telling someone to "go to hell". There are a lot of references to outdated things such as Patsy Cline and the Carter administration that most children won't relate to. There are plenty of things that adults will relate to like a reference to the line from "Planet of the Apes"..."Get your filthy paws off of me you damn dirty ape".

There is a short visit to a strip club (nothing is shown). There is a short dialogue where both main characters exchange playful curse words that get bleeped out with a censor box placed over their mouths. In the first ten minutes of this episode the words "homosexual" and "lesbian" are used casually and later on Wendy calls two men "hormone jockeys". There are some funny references especially with a musician that hangs out in Wendy's hallway, but for the most part this is just hard to follow. Don't waste your time watching this. They've only made three episodes and I doubt they'll make more anyway.

ABC Family Channel has a new tag line "A New Kind of Family". If this is what they think we want as family television programming, they are sadly confused. This show belongs on a different channel, but it won't last anyway so it's not worth complaining about.


Just when you think Eddie Murphy can't make a worse movie, he does it yet again. When will he learn that he's way past his prime? Might as well finish up the Beverly Hills Cop sequel and end on a good note. His career is over. It's really sad because he was once one of the funniest men on the planet.

This movie is filled with one fat joke after another and it is very degrading to larger women. There are several drug and prostitution references. Thandie Newton was great in this movie, but I had to stop watching it after about an hour into it. This movie is so bad that it was hard to even come up with enough words to write a review for it. Don't waste your time.

Superhero Movie

Big Disappointment
Don't waste your time going to see this movie. I'm a huge fan of Leslie Nielsen and love all of the Airplane and Police Squad movies. This was a sad attempt at trying to use the same type of humor but unfortunately it was just one crude sex joke after another. There were some funny moments, but they were very rare.

I'm also an enormous fan of Drake Bell and his TV show that's targeted toward teens. I am completely and utterly disappointed in Drake Bell for his poor performance and complete inappropriateness during most of this movie.

This movie was a great idea and the Dragonfly character was a good concept. The special effects were done well. Unfortunately, this movie just simply wasn't funny at all.

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