
IMDb member since October 2023
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    IMDb Member
    7 months



What were they thinking?
C*A*U*G*H*T is a screwball comedy without the comedy. It must have seemed like a good idea in the pitch meeting, but lacks the substance to pull it off. The characters are thin stereotypes from the gung-ho, gum chewing American soldier to the larakin Aussies, and I have no idea why an actor of the calibre of Bryan Brown would agree to take part given the ridiculous portrayal of the Australian Prime Minister required. I get that this is supposed to be a comedy and that there is no need to create solid, three dimensional characters, but this goes beyond a joke.

Don't get me wrong. The basic premise had promise to be a good comedy, but this isn't it.

The only real joke was the attempted portrayal of Australia's tabloid TV show, A Current Affair as some sort of serious current affairs show. I don't think this was an intentional joke.

I endured all six episodes before writing this just to make sure that it wasn't one of those series that starts weak but improves as it progresses. It's not.

If you have a chance to watch this series, just move on. You'll thank me later.

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