
IMDb member since April 2002
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Starship Troopers 3: Marauder

Wow, and this from the writer of the first Starship Troopers movie....
Ummmmm what was this? The movie started out pretty decent and then it just kind of fell flat towards the end. Made me appreciate the original that much better. However, I will say, that it is 50% better than Starship 2.

I don't get it, I really don't. I understand that the budget was smaller, I understand why people really like this series, myself included. I just don't understand how it could be screwed up so bad. This series kind of reminds me of the Highlander Series: It started out really good, with a good story, then the producers got a hold of it and put it in the toilet(see recent Highlander:The Source, for confirmation) The point is, there is a fan base for this series. People really want to see more of the Starship troopers. Why do the writers mess it up so bad. And apparently just because they can write, it all of the sudden means that they can direct too? Which is not always the case. Given this movie.

If you are a hardcore fan, this movie is worth watching. While some people are into the hardcore gore(boring), I really like the propaganda machine that these movies put on. However, during the movie when the religion stuff goes over the top(a.k.a. when pilot and soldier are praying and there is a cheesy fading/overlay effect of explosions and things getting blown up, it just was really tacky). And the Marauder part was very brief. The nude scene(while yes, there were nice looking bodies) just seemed totally tacked on and had no plot barring whatsoever. Watching this it was hard to believe that the writer/Director was the same screenplay writer for the first Starship troopers movie. He should stick to better writing and stay away from directing. It's better then the 2nd(not saying much), but very disappointing for those of us who really enjoy the first one and the spirit of the series. Do it right or let it die.


Fortress 2

Want to learn how to hold your breath in space? Watch this movie to find out how!
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good SCI-FI flick as much as anybody. Especially when Christopher Lambert is the star. I really liked the first Fortress Adventure. But it seems as if they made a sequel just for the sake of making a sequel. The basic story line is the pretty much the same as the first. Brennick gets caught by Mental, hence Brennick is once again in a prison(fortress). This time in outer space. How will our hero ever escape? I won't say too much if you havn't seen it. But what i will say is that this movie opened my eyes to a new kind of science discovery, appearently a person CAN hold his/her breath in outer space without spacesuit or helmet........right... Anyways, if you are looking for a SCI-FI flick and have NOTHING else to watch. I recommend watching this movie. The visual effects are great. Sound is respectable. You might think I didnt like this movie, actually I own the DVD. Even though this movie wasn't a huge hit, do you think we will get to see a Fortress 3: Banished to the Planet Ziest....(it would be a good tie-in for Highlander 2 or not...)

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