
IMDb member since November 2007
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    IMDb Member
    16 years


Andròn: The Black Labyrinth

A good intro to a Dystopian story and I hope to see more in the future.
I'm a huge fanatic of the Dystopian genre, which is pretty wide. I really enjoyed Andron. It might not be the most original story, but originality can be difficult when it comes to the Dystopian genre. I was able to sit through the whole movie and give it my undivided attention, which is extremely difficult for me to do. I like how they put the story together; how it made me think of movies like Rollerball (1975) and others I love so much but with it's own look and feel. Andron feels kind of like an intro into something bigger, like a series. I hope that a sequel is made cause I'd like to see what happens next, and to see the characters and the society more in depth. I highly recommend Andron to Dystopian junkies like me, and for the more generalized SciFi & action fans I still recommend Andron. No sex, no nudity, and no romance were a HUGE bonus for me! Just give me the Dystopia and violence.

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