
IMDb member since November 2023
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    6 months



A beautiful movie without a huge budget
The film takes place in the early twentieth century, immediately after the Boer War. A ship with volunteer soldiers who fought on the side of Great Britain in the war returns to New Zealand. Former farmer Van Diemen sails there with them. At the same time an excellent tracker, and the worst enemy of the British troops. Unexpectedly, he gets a job exactly according to his profile. Namely, together with an English detachment, to track down a fugitive Maori accused of murdering a soldier.

The entire film is filmed in New Zealand nature. Its nature is very pure and beautiful. Lush flowing meadows, dense dark forests, sonorous forest rivers are very pleasing to the eye. It's like I'm watching Lord of the Rings all over again.

Of course, this film cannot be called a blockbuster. The budget is quite small and it shows. There are no stunning effects or special plot intricacies in it. Everything is quite predictable (although the ending will add its own intrigue), but still, I found this film to be quite enjoyable and interesting.

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