
IMDb member since May 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



The best way to totally waste your time
It is with great difficulty that I can find words to describe this movie, and I am being generous calling it a movie. If you give a 5 year old a camera he will record a better movie than this. There is no story line, no action, movie. The first impression is that they didn't give you the right movie, but I can honestly say that this is the worst movie ever. I can appreciate any genre but this "thing" cannot be called a movie. All that the producers tried to do is shock with the graphic scenes, and they miserably fail even at this simple task. I cannot imagine what could be appreciated at this movie, the soundtrack is absent, and there is no logic in the script, a simple look at the scenes will surface a lot of abnormalities that one would never encounter in the daily routine. In conclusion, don't waste your time, read a newspaper or look outside your window, you will be left with much more that after watching this movie.

Cel mai iubit dintre pamânteni

Communist drama projected upon a learned man
The title of the movie is somehow paradoxical, since nothing that happens in the movie doesn't come to sustain the idea that might arise from the blunt reception of the title. The main issue that the movie tries to tackle is the issue of the scars that communism leaves on the lives of the ones enduring it, and mostly upon the lives of the learned. The movie comes to cast a diminishing and shameful image upon the level at which the communism used to function in Romania's years under the communist dictature. The level of ignorance that the communism had reached is revealed through the plot of the movie: a man's whole life is ruined for absolutely no reason what so ever. The movie is a masterpiece, as it brings to light the wheakness of the learned man in front of the brute force.

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