
IMDb member since November 2023
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Jim Breuer: Somebody Had to Say It

Literal hot garbage
Just not funny at all. You can replace the subject matter with literally anything and this would still be painstakingly hard to watch. I can't believe anyone could rate this a 10. This whole loud=funny thing hasn't worked before and i don't know why it would work today. I would spend money to avoid having to watch this again. Comedy is subjective, but this is objectively bad comedy. The caricatures of people who don't exist are overdrawn and just lame. I'm amazed that this guy has a career at all. He was good in half baked, but that's probably because he was told what to do and say. Since he lacked any guidance here it's apparent he doesn't know what he's doing. I would advise anyone considering watching this to find something funnier. I wouldn't subject my enemies to this cringe worthy empty comedy. Fuuuuuuck me.

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