
IMDb member since May 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


Resident Evil

I was rooting for the zombies
Did not like this show. All the characters were annoying. The plot was thin. The story telling style was lazy and tried to be clever. Massive failure.

Star Trek: Discovery

Started strong, then seasons 3 & 4.
I absolutley loved the first season. Jason Isaacs and Michelle Yeo... outstanding. Great story arc. Season 2 was not as good but ok. Then season 3 was bad and 4 has totally stunk.

Want to watch for entertainment, not to be preached at by the pc hollywood. Go woke, go broke.

The Boys

Am I missing something here?
What I saw was unimaginative writing, mostly same old, same old. But typical Hollywood thinking, we'll just put some nudity and sex in and call it ground breaking. My eyes are rolling. Been here, done that.


On a scale of one to ten...
This movie was more than a three. It is not truly scary, nor is it gory. It is an edge of your seat thriller. I went to this movie expecting more scares and was a little disappointed. I do not recommend this film for small children, as it had some intense action scenes and a couple of startling/scaring moments, but it would appeal to most teens and adults. I saw this with my wife who is a big chicken and she liked it. I would probably compare this movie to "Nick of Time" with Johnny Depp or to "24", the TV show. *SPOILERS* I was disappointed in the ending, I thought that it was closer to a cop out than a resolution. I was hoping to really like this, and it did have a good message, however it seemed a little unoriginal - namely "Identity", "Se7en", and "Fight Club" Over all, it was good. Enjoy!

28 Days Later...

2 hours later...
This movie ranks right up there with "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" as the worst I have ever seen.

First, I like horror movies, ones that scare me, like "The Ring". And I like good Euro movies, such as "La Femme Nikita". But this movie was neither scary or entertaining in the European style.

Avoid this movie if at all possible. I can't emphasize this enough.


The Best Movie EVER!!
Has there ever been a better movie? This is a classic good versus evil confrontation. Mel Gibson does an outstanding job in both acting and especially directing. The action scenes are beautiful and awesome, the love scenes are touching, and the story is great. Granted, this movie does embellish a little from the true history (ie. making love to the future queen of England), but it's still a great story.

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