
IMDb member since November 2007
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    16 years


Vehicle 19

Dumb with a capital D.
I wasn't expecting much of this film given the largely unknown cast, but it failed to meet my rock bottom expectations.

The main protagonist stumbles his way through what should be a routine trip from the airport to his girlfriend's house. Firstly, he's in a strange country but has no Sat-Nav.

Instead of concentrating on the road, he's eating, drinking, doing everything distracting that he can to ensure that he nearly knocks down every pedestrian in sight.

Then he finds a gun in his car. What does he do? Throw it away? No, he decides because the car has a gun in it, he doesn't like it any more, and he abandons it in the middle of a dangerous South African township and starts walking!

Another ten minutes, and another half dozen ridiculously ill-thought out events and we couldn't watch it any longer. Avoid.

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