
IMDb member since December 2023
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Starts off interesting and then swan dives into a huge pool of stupidity
Where to begin.....

I will say that this movie held my attention far more than Twilight ever did (if you ever need a movie to put you to sleep, put on Twilight), but it's still just awful.

There's so much that is left unexplained, which may have been intentional, but terrible for a cliff hanger. For example.... Clary's friend....oh, all of a sudden he can see without glasses? She notices two puncture marks on his shoulder and then....uh nothing to see here. Then, the wizard dude shows up to heal is wannabe boyfriend and then what? "Oh, you're being invaded" and then nope, no more lines for you....must have run out of budget. The guy that plays Valentine has seriously watched Blade too many times....for a minute, I thought I saw Deacon Frost. But I think the main stinker that sank this ship was the fact that they went full on Eurotrip. WTH?!?! Not like Jace is anything to look at (no offense to anyone who thinks he's hot, I'm just not into weird shaped headed dudes), but seriously? This movie just left me feeling dirty after watching it to where I want to just go like Ace Ventura, burn my clothes, run to the shower, and cry. Definitely not watching this ever again.

Trust Fund

It was ok....took a while to get going
It was an interesting twist on the prodigal son from the Bible, but somewhere along the way, I just kept thinking that the older sister reminded me so much of Elsa from Frozen.....and now I can't unsee it. The lead character is obviously Anna, her roommate is Olaf.....you get the picture. I kept watching wondering when she was going to burst into song, but sadly, it never happened.

All joking aside, the move is ok. It takes a very long time of getting to a conclusion. The lead character definitely did not deserve how her father treated her, but it shows how God's grace is given even when we don't deserve it.

Fishes 'n Loaves: Heaven Sent

Was this supposed to be Arizona?
Never have I ever seen such a wrong depiction of any town in AZ. No one talks like that here! This movie had potential, but then they threw in stereotypes galore, horrible sound, and a series of fake accents. I think the main problem that I have with this film is that no pastor in their right mind would hire a woman who dresses like a street walker, let alone be alone with her in his office. The church members were just all over the place too. The choir had robes, but their director didn't? Was this a way to show that they had a small budget? Oh, and to point out some irony, when the girls are at the salon, there's a ton of road noise from passing cars....and I'm talking a lot of passing cars. Didn't the reporter just say there was no traffic?

I think the only saving grace was the hilarious scene during the credits at the end. The girl running across the stage holding the dove, screeching "CAW!" was hilarious! Maybe just fast forward to the very end!

Sleeper Agent

It's silly and cute
So whoever wrote the review saying that elderly people falling isn't funny and making jokes about it is horrible....actually, I believe the writer of this movie agrees. I'll explain: when the simpleton co-worker makes said comments, you can see that the main character doesn't think it's funny as evidenced by his responses. Why put it in the script? To point out that making these types of jokes aren't funny. So, you didn't watch the rest of the movie all due to a misunderstanding.....sad. The movie is pretty funny. It has a similar style to movies like Airplane and The Naked Gun, except not quite so ridiculous in the exaggerations, and it's child friendly. My husband has seen it a few times and still laughs hysterically, so it's a win in my book.

Christmas in the Cotswolds

A low budget wonder
Ok, when I watched this, it was called A Very English Christmas, so I didn't know anything about this supposedly being in the Cotsworlds. That being said, the film was ok. However, the lack of budget definitely showed. The music overpowered the actors, the horrible floor walking noises during the ending scenes, and the stylist.....yikes! Someone must have hated the lead actress because that grayish vomit that they called a dress....didn't match anything in the wedding and it completely washed out her complexion.

I didn't hate this movie...because trust me, I've seen worse..eh hem, looking at you A Christmas Belle, but it follows the same cliches when it comes to Christmas weddings and/or events. Everything is magically done in two weeks or less. Like someone contacted their fairy godmother and had her waive a magic wand and POOF! Instant wedding! Completely unrealistic. One or both of the two leads have some tragic backstory...blah blah blah and the pity train has arrived.

The main guy is this movie seemed a bit bipolar to me. One minute he's rude, snarky, dark and brooding, and then the next he's "all caught up in feelings" because the female lead let him help her with the creative process. I will give the actor some credit though....he delivers a pretty nasty comment during his fight with the lead actress and it almost felt like he had gut punched me!

All in all, the acting wasn't too bad. If you're bored, you might find this movie a bit comical, but if you want something realistic...just pass.

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