
IMDb member since November 2007
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The 6th Day

A solid movie released at the wrong time
While this is not the absolute top film Arnold S. appeared in, THE SIXTH DAY is a solid entry in his portfolio. Ad midst the entertaining if unremarkable action fare, it thoughtfully looks at the world of cloning, and how a person might interact with their own mirror image.

Unfortunately THE SIXTH DAYs' release encountered the steam roller of HOW THE GRINCH STOLE Christmas, which flattened every competing release and doomed THE SIXTH DAY to also-ran status. Also, the DVDs' did not get the benefits of director or actor commentary.

Still, my working on the film (visual fx artist) was a worthwhile endeavor! Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed!

Captain Kidd

Laughton enjoyable in this low budget Pirate Saga
Charles Laughton offers an over the top performance which spices up what's otherwise a low budget Pirate yarn now circulating the bins of various dollar stores. John Carradine's performance's unusually restrained while Barbara Britton gets little to do other than be frightened and weep. The largest crowd scenes are saved for the prison and hanging at the end of the movie. There is one decently staged fencing sequence near the end where Randolf Scott dispatches Gilbert Roland as Jose Lorenzo. The ship models and occasionally painted backdrops are very obvious, as is the reuse of an exploding ship in both prelude and middle of the flick. Keep an eye out for Sheldon Leonard in his before "I Spy" producer days.

La regina delle Amazzoni

A campish hoot in the spirit of QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE
This whacky sword and sandal epic from Italy makes the rounds in low-budget DVD collections (all from the same battered video dub of a 16mm print - Mill Creek's version has color correction). The plot's been described elsewhere, but for this viewer the flick's over-the-top acting and absurd music offered campish fun with a fast pace and some clever if dated takeoffs. Rod Taylor detested this movie, but his acting's fun, slap-stick-ish and done with style. Some plot elements are bizarre (one character using a complex apparatus to light a fire by activating it with a burning torch!!) but work if you remember film's for comedy and don't go into deep analysis mode. Some outdoor shots and dances in this film appear in other Italian Sword and Sandal movies (or possibly it was the other way around). Those wanting politically correct films should put this one back on the shelf and look elsewhere! Otherwise, ignore the politically incorrectness and have fun!

Cinderella III: A Twist in Time

One of Disneys' better sequels
When Disney decided to close Disney Australia, Cinderella III was in its pipeline. This fired up the production crew to put extra effort into this particular sequel, $6 million to make and Disney Australia's final film. The result's a worthy addition to the Disney Cinderella universe, giving the central characters more dimensions and interactions. The Prince, King, Stepmother and Stepsisters all expand their thoughts and feelings (we learn how the King felt for his departed Queen, etc.). The mice have fun moments including their whacky takeoff of "disfunctional theater" as they explain to the Prince key plot points, and once again prove heros as they scamper about the Nightmare Pumpkin taking Cinderella to her possible demise. Cinderella, often perceived as weak because of her 50's heritage, becomes more pro-active and almost an action-hero in the film's closing moments. Animation ranges from TV to feature quality, with faithful color timing, solid music and good voice talents topping things off.

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