
IMDb member since November 2007
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This Is 40

A quality comedy which is rare to find these days
Wasn't expecting much before watching the movie, but was pleasantly surprised. Firstly and most importantly the comedy was not lame. The jokes were down to earth, made sense and made me laugh sincerely. This rarely happens with all those stupid comedies nowadays. Secondly - the topic and the storyline was so relevant in regards to relationships and families of our society. Though it is a comedy genre - but underneath that you can fell that the problems and situations that are being touched are important and worth thinking about. The performances by Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann and Maude Apatow - were amazing. Paul and Leslie were perfect, but also my respects to the youngest cast members, as they were convincing and did their part flawlessly.

Ninja Assassin

Exactly what you expect it to be
Lately all of the movies I watch doesn't meet my expectations. "Ninja Assassin" is different.

It has all the elements you would expect from ninja kind of movie, and all of them are made quite well.

The fight scenes are smooth and beautiful - and only this thing alone makes the movie really watchable.

On the other hand the plot is quite vague, but that is expected from a ninja kind of movie, as long as the hero has his purpose and reason to fight the bad guys.

Also i missed a little bit more of convincing acting. But it wasn't too bad.

Summing everything up - movie is definitely worth a watch.


Fun Fun Fun
Was easy watchable and entertaining movie after long Tuesdays workday. Doesn't require too much of thinking, but doesn't get boring. Could be called vain, nevertheless captures from the first scene. Acting is nothing impressive. But that was enough to create the required atmosphere. Didn't like Beyonce acting though, she is better as a singer...

If you like intrigues, unhealthy love stories - this movie is for you. Do not expect much and you will definitely have lots of fun watching it.

6 out of 10.


Boring boring boring
Went to this movie without having high expectations or anything like that, but what happened in the theater have never happened to me before: I simply got asleep and watched the movie half awake, moreover the same happened to my friend who went together with me.

Its hard to decide why the movie was so boring - the mood was created, acting was OK, I liked the colors, it even had that kind of depressive mysticism and fantasy elements that i usually like. I guess its the producing or maybe script that were so weak and made the movie unwatchable.

I usually never write comments here, but just want to warn you people, don't waste your money and time..

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