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Martha - Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence

A hillarious romantic comedy
I'm a fan of Joseph Fiennes, so naturally, this was a film I've been wanting to see for ages. And it didn't disapoint me one bit!

The plot is basiclly three English friends meet an American girl within three days, at seperate times, and they all fall for her. First, I was excited to see a romantic comedy set in Britain ... I always look forward to those. And then, despite the ending being pretty predictable, I came to the conclusion that this is definately one of the best Romantic Comedy films I've ever seen.

Monica Potter does a great job at Martha, the American girl who's had enough of her life in America so buys the first plane ticket to anywhere for $99, and ends up in London. There were one liners from Martha that made me laugh so much.

Tom Hollander is a great Daniel, the rich and spoilt British guy who's a bit of a ladies man, and just loves to get a rise out of Frank. It's by not trying to be funny that makes us love and laugh at Daniel. Hollander does a great job at achieving this.

Joseph Fiennes ... is there any criticism you can give this man? He's perfect for the role of Laurence, and that's why it works so well. When you look into his eyes, you can dive deep into his soul, and he has the sort of face which you love. Laurence is the romantic and sensitive character, and I can't imagine a better person than Fiennes playing him.

Rufus Sewell as Frank steals the show. Frank is the funniest character, despite how serious he is. Frank, the depressed and failed actor who is constantly getting into arguements with Daniel, will have you laughing your ass off! I can't think of a time when he said something I didn't laugh at. If you're not a big fan of Romantic Comedies, this movie is worth watching, just for Sewell.

Stars out of 10 : 10

The Outsiders

Great young star cast
Before I saw this movie, I was expecting an average film with today's stars before they became box office hits. I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

The plot is good. It's a good storyline which made me end in tears, so if you're anything like me, get the tissues ready.

C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, Matt Dillon, Emilio Estevez, Diane Lane, Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, and Rob Lowe are all really really great. Watch out for Dillon and Lane in the cinema scene - it's pretty funny!

Stars out of 10: 7

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Typical Jim Carrey
If you're a fan of Jim Carrey, this is the movie for you. However, if you find that Jim Carrey's humour is irritating, don't bother!

Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura will leave Jim Carrey fans laughing for ages. It certainly left me laughing. First, the idea of a 'Pet Detective' is interesting. As the tagline says - he's the only one there is. And as the only one there is, he does a great job.

It's the typical Jim Carrey humour - the funny faces, the wild jokes, and of course, in this movie, there's the crazy hairstyle that must have kept Jim Carrey in Hair and Makeup for hours.

Probably the best scene in the movie is when Ace asks Melissa (played by Courtney Cox) to pretend that she's having him comitted to a mental institution in order to sneak into the storage room to look through old junk for clues. This is the scene where he gets even wilder(not to mention his hair), dressed in boots and a ballerina outfit, acting like a professional football player - trust me, it will have you in stitches!

Also look out for Dan Marino that makes an appearance as himself.

Even if you're not a Jim Carrey fan, you'll understand why this was the movie that got Jim Carrey known and brought him to where he is today.

I give this movie 8/10 - Jim Carrey fans can't miss it!

Four Rooms

Amazingly funny
This movie is almost too funny for words. It kept me laughing about it for ages after, and still does.

To start off with, Tim Roth who plays Ted the bellhop, is fantastic! The way he changes from being posh and upper class one minute and then the next minute uses his real voice, all slang and cockney. His character also seems to have a nervous jitter about him which will leave you laughing for ages.

Next, the first segment, "The Missing Ingredient" - While it is funny, it's the least ammusing out of the four segments. The story of how the witches are trying to unfreeze their goddess is ammusing and the little rhyme that the witch Eva recites : "Goddess Diana, fail you I will/ I was to bring you fresh sperm from my Bill/ I had him erect and his semen would follow/ Alas, I was hot, so hot that I swallowed. Therefore, obviously the other witches want eva to get sperm from Ted the bellhop. Check out for Madonna in this segment!

The second segment, "The Wrong Man" - This segement shows Ted ending up in the wrong room, leading to having a gun pointed at his head. My favourite bit in particular from this segment was when Ted ended up half hanging out of the bathroom window squealing "HELP!"

The third segement, "The Misbehavers" - This was incredibly funny. My two favourite bits from this segment was a) when the little girl made Ted realise how stupid he was when he realised that he could have washed the vapour rub off his eyelids when his babysitter used to do it to him whenhe was a child. and b) the line Ted screams down the room-service phone to the little girl that goes along the lines of, "If there's not a dead body in that room by the time I get up there, I'm gonna make one!"

The last segment, "The Man from Hollywood" - I found this the funniest segment of them all. Could be because Quentin Tarantino stars in this and I'm a big fan of his (that's probably the reason I saw this in the first place). Ted finds himself going up to the penthouse with various odd items on his room-service trolley and ends up staying there and getting mixed up in a scheme made by Quentin Tarantino and Paul Calderon. Also, look out for Bruce Willis who's there too but is uncredited. The trio are hysterical as a bunch of drunk guys on New Year's Eve. Quentin Tarantino more or less plays himself - a famous director.

This movies is definately a must-see. I give it 10/10

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