
IMDb member since January 2024
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Split Second

I love this show.
I love game shows. John Michael Higgins is a great host that made America Says better than it had any reason to be. I watched the old Split Second and used to think it was decent. Suffice to say, I was hopeful about this show's reboot when was announced.

What can I say, I love it. It's fast-paced as the name suggests, the variety of topics is great and the variance is perfect. Comebacks happen all the time, but they're not wonky like with Switch or other shows. It is a show that requires knowledge but can also be played by everyone. The final round is very tough, but I actually like that about it. For me, this might be the best active-going game show around right now.

People Puzzler

Shocked by all the low reviews
I love this show. Same with my friends and family. It's usually entertaining and an easy watch. The amount of people who win in the end is decent but not too much. The variance of topics is good. Leah is hit or miss, but calmed down a lot after the first season. Yes, some contestants are really dumb, but there've also been some episodes where everyone is good and it goes down to the wire. It is also rewatchable if you've seen an episode before.

Is it my favorite show? No, but it's far from bad. It's easy to binge, you don't have to be a genius to play along and it is a lot more hit than miss. I wish it'd come back, but the fact that the catalog is as lengthy as it is makes me happy.


Musical chairs in trivia form.
This is a quality game show. The idea is decent. It's mostly entertaining. It also has a clear ceiling because of how random it is. There's several episodes where a person has been in first place for most of the show, only to lose out on the final in the end. There've also been various episodes where someone has been terrible for the majority of the show, barely avoided getting eliminated in the first two rounds and lucks out by getting the last question right. It is more of a luck-based show than a skill one. Knowledge is recommended, but far from a requirement. For an early evening GSN show, it's fine. But it's not as good as other shows for a reason.

Shrimad Ramayan

My parents love this show
The original Ramayan is my father's favorite tv show ever. For years, my he was hoping to see a new version of Ramayan that was serious and not cartoony, but also visually good and not unrealistic. Every time he tried watching a new attempt, something would fail to click. When he found out about this show, and the fact that it was going to have the backers that it does, he was cautiously optimistic.

My mom likes mythology, but rarely watches shows about them and gave it a shot too. They watched the first episode, found it promising and decided to keep watching. Fast forward a week and now they love it. It isn't perfect, and there are things that take time to get used to. But the show captures the essence of the story as best as you can in modern times. You can still sense the spirituality very nicely, but it doesn't feel like an old show either. It captures the old and new perfectly. Technically, it's very good. Story wise, same. Visuals are on point. BGM is fitting. Thank you to the makers of this show for proving to my father that, at least for one week, it is possible to make a modern version of Ramayan and not go haywire along the way. I hope it stays this way.

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