
IMDb member since January 2024
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Entertaining and fun heist flick with a decent twist
I enjoyed this movie much more than I thought I would, and it made for a fun, entertaining Sunday afternoon watch. It was a decently fresh take on the ever-popular heist-style storyline with an entertaining cast of characters. It certainly doesn't deserve the bad reviews; it's not trying to be 'Citizen Kane'.

The core heist group genuinely meshed well (you could believe that they actually liked each other and had worked together successfully before), and the diversity of the crew felt both natural and refreshing (as it wasn't just the same old tired tropes being rehashed again). I don't think I've ever seen Kevin Hart this chilled out or calm in a movie, but it does work, and there's even a nice twist in the plot that most people won't see coming.

The story itself is (relatively) free of plot holes...although the team's earpieces have an extremely impressive range in one scene towards the end. The only complaint I have is that it should have been made clearer if the 'deal' that the heist crew made with Interpol was actually honoured when the crew pulled their heist off...but it's implied that it is. Other than that, this movie is a fun watch that doesn't take itself too seriously, and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

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